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Castle Crashers (XBLA)

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    this game is a real hit, just loving the whole thing really and playing with mates is even better, have unlocked pretty much all the weapons apart from a few and trying the insane mode is absolute mad!!


      My only faults at the moment - sometimes you can't escape and get knocked to the ground constantly, and the second is it takes too long to bring the shield up to defend against the archers.

      The first fault is unfortunate but I can live with it, and I'm hoping the second will be fixed by having higher defence which will unlock the ability to cancel attacks when using shield. Really hope that is the case!

      Great game though very much enjoying it. Level 20 now, just reached the Lava bit.


        Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
        and the second is it takes too long to bring the shield up to defend against the archers.
        That's weird. I seem to remember the shield being instantaneous (or near enough so that it requires no special foresight to be able to utilise it effectively). Then again, maybe that's only on higher defence stats? I never really paid attention to that when I first started playing...
        Last edited by Stormtec; 07-09-2008, 20:38.


          I mean when you are already attacking, it'd be nice to be able to cancel the animation when you press the defend button so it is instant (like it is when you aren't attacking, as you mention).


            I know what your mean Pete, i expect games like this that have a guard feature to be instantaneous during combos like God of War. I found it annoying myself, but i got over it.


              Originally posted by MyDogSkip View Post
              I have been playing it all day, but I cant go to bed without completing one more level on this. I have to! Its THAT good! I hope my boss understands in the morning when ive had no sleep!

              The videogame equivalent of crack IMO. Cant wait for some coop action!!
              Originally posted by ne0star View Post
              I'm over the moon with this, one of the best purchases gaming wise this year, and not just live arcade.
              These quotes some it up for me, I have some of my non really 'gaming' friends over very other day to play on the 360 at the moment and we started off with playing Fifa 08 (we're all football fans and play for the same team) then I got them to try out Geometry Wars 2 (which I love) and we had a blast playing that everytime they were round 4-player, also tried out some Halo 3 and such offline but apart from GW2 no other Arcade games have shone for 4-player goodness... until now.

              Bought it last night about 6 and played it till 11 in local play 4-player and absolutely loved every minute of it!! From the jokes, the weapons, the cool pets, the level'ing up and ability up's it was just perfect 4-player action/fun!!

              We're about to cross the dock now and our levels are 16-19-15-15 I believe but for some reason my brothers level just keeps rocketing up??

              Anyways for me this game has shown a great lot of variety in levels, great weapon upgrades, cool pets, sweet combo's and most importantly a hell of a lot of fun for all of us reguardless of how big of a gamer we were


                Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                I mean when you are already attacking, it'd be nice to be able to cancel the animation when you press the defend button so it is instant (like it is when you aren't attacking, as you mention).
                Oh~ right. I'm not sure if there is that kind of guard-cancelling in the game, come to think of it. I don't personally mind it all that much though; can't say it's been a particular bane to me, but I can understand why something like that'd be nice.
                Last edited by Stormtec; 08-09-2008, 11:14.


                  Same here Stormtec. I tend to use my magic to launch me straight up in the air if i get pummeled. I haven't played it in the last couple of days :/ It's Spore's fault.


                    I was off sick yesterday so downloaded this and played it solidly up until just after the grass fields. I've only levelled strength and agility at the moment and pretty much have ignored magic and defence, it's working for me so far! Unlocked one new character but I don't fancy switching to him as all the levels will be at zero...

                    Very enjoyable stuff and very inventive too. So far my fave animal is the Ram, what's yours?


                      You really don't want to ignore Magic. Its the most important combat feature in the game. Agility on the other hand is the most unimportant.


                        Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                        You really don't want to ignore Magic. Its the most important combat feature in the game. Agility on the other hand is the most unimportant.
                        I disagree. The arrow has saved my ass more than a fair few times with the bigger enemies allowing me to recharge magic and knock them down to allow me to escape.

                        All about balance I say.


                          Different folk play different styles. Take Final Fight as an example. some like the Hagger school of brute force, others like the agile ninja styles of Guy, and Cody


                            The arrow becomes useless on insane mode. I kid you not. The thing with Magic though is that it has a wide area of destruction, it allows you to escape a mob of enemies from the ground and you can rain down magic in the air. It depends how much you have levelled it though, as magic starts off rubbish when you first begin.
                            Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 10-09-2008, 16:19.


                              A fair point. I'm not on Insane mode yet


                                The thing is it doesn't tell you, you can do those things with magic in the game. I found out by accident in my many hours with it. :/

