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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    Maybe if I hadn't paid £40 for the game on release and Capcom hadn't made such brilliant predecessors then I would have enjoyed it as 'popcorn entertainment'.


      I really detest RE5, can't see how people love it. It really isn't a patch on Dead Space which i played through again this week and its still fantastic a year on.
      Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 19-09-2009, 10:50.


        Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
        I really detest RE5, i really can't see how people love it. It really isn't a patch on Dead Space which i played through again this week and its still fantastic a year on.
        Agreed, I'm playing through dead space at present and it really is great. Prefer it a lot compared to RE5.


          Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
          Hey Jim.

          I'm on the 360 version I'm afraid.

          I'll try and play some coop anyway, once I'm finished on the SP.


          Ah, that's ok, I have the 360 version too. Offer still stands.


            Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
            Giving "zombies"
            was a master stroke and it really changed the tempo of the game in level 5.
            Really? I thought that was the worst part of the whole game!


              As did I. haha - was close to giving up at that point


                Originally posted by kernow View Post
                As did I. haha - was close to giving up at that point
                I wouldn't go that far, but I would say it was the most stupid AND the most **** any Resi game has been, at any given point!


                  In hindsight and taken in isolation I think it was an okay game and pretty good fun while it lasted, especially co-op. But when compared (as it should be) to Resi 4 and Dead Space I still think it was disappointing and that it could and should have been much better.


                    Oh totally!

                    Dead Space > Resi 5 by about a million miles!


                      I was very disappointed in this. What happened to all the innovations they were talking about (heat & light effects, sprinting enemies etc)? I don't like the settings as there really dull, there's very little of the atmosphere or tension that you expect from a survival horror and you can stockpile as much ammo and guns as you want (when replaying levels) reducing the need to be tactical with your weapon usage and explore for treasure.

                      Apart from graphics it feels like a big step backward from a 4 year old game. I'm glad someone else is taking over for RE6 and they'll be going in a different direction.


                        Have they even talked about 6 yet then?


                          Yes, they've said RE6 will be a reboot with a new plot and a new gameplay style

                          RE5 ends the umbrella story although there will be more backstory in UCC involving
                          and there's the PSP RE to come.


                            I stopped believing the whole `end of Umbrella` thing after they brought it back with a vengeance in 5, even though 4 had gone out of it's way to close that particular chapter from the opening cutscene and move on (quite successfully too). It's been promised before, but then it's almost like they don't know what to do without it, so they throw it in and flog an undead horse.

                            I know I would welcome a reboot. Five, despite the visual fidelity, proved that it's about time they ditched the convoluted characters that haven't aged well over time and take the series in a new direction story and gameplay wise.


                              Umbrella or not, lets hope they make a "survival horror" game again! And not a RE5 action shooter...


                                Can't find the Headlines thread, but fyi:

                                Curious tidbit from this 9 minute interview with Patricia Ja Lee, the voice of Jill Valentine in Resident Evil 5. Seven minutes in, she talks about doing work "for the director's cut that's coming out for Resident Evil 5."

