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Resident Evil 5 (PS3 / Xbox 360)

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    I'm playing this on normal and have no idea how to beat Wesker after moving the boulder out the way for Sheva.

    I'm hitting the orange spot time and again, but he just won't bloody be done with it. I've checked the guides to see if I;m missing a trick, and it doesn't appear that I am.
    I get to the point where I just end up running out of ammo, and that's it.
    I've gotten this far on my first RE game, and I can't bloody overcome the final hurdle. I ant this to be over with now so I can trade the bloody thing in

    Frustrating is not the word for this. Any tips would be appreciated.


      You need to run up to him and knife him, its a scripted event, however it is possible to beat him with just bullets.

      Anyway if i recall hmm, after he does the tentacle whirlwind spin, he should be vulnerable then, run up to him and you should see a button prompt, check out a video or 2 on youtube for the exact details


        Originally posted by Largo View Post
        You need to run up to him and knife him, its a scripted event, however it is possible to beat him with just bullets.

        Anyway if i recall hmm, after he does the tentacle whirlwind spin, he should be vulnerable then, run up to him and you should see a button prompt, check out a video or 2 on youtube for the exact details
        Thank you! I went in close after he did the first whirlwind attack and the prompt came up. Jesus, I assumed it was going to be far more involved than that and so stuck with the bullet option. Finally bloody finished it! Thanks once again.


          First time i beat him i used bullets and was pretty disappointed by the whole fight, then like a month later i found out about the prompt i was like wtf ahhhh Nooooww it looks cool!



            Originally posted by Largo View Post
            First time i beat him i used bullets and was pretty disappointed by the whole fight, then like a month later i found out about the prompt i was like wtf ahhhh Nooooww it looks cool!

            I was ready to chuck the controller away in disgust before your intervention!


              There has been a lot of negativity regarding RE5. I am finding it absolutely fantastic and would go as far to say it has been my favorite single player game so far even better than Dead Space.
              It is the only one that has made me replay it (time and time again) to go for all the achievements. Also just started Mercenaries that I had no interest in on RE4 and loving it too. I'm not the best player so these things take time with me but have managed an A rating on the first level

              The two games that made me want a 360 from the preview footage - RE5 and L4D - have it turns out been the best for me.


                Aye everyone knocked resi5 but i bloody loved it, i had everything unlocked, all the weapons upgraded all the infinite ammo, top merc scores and then what happened er oh yeah i changed ps3s and my save was locked SWINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

                Maybe ill do it all again one day

                But yeah resi5 was/is awesome, id still be up for some mercs infact if i didnt have to complete the game again to unlock it

                Originally posted by paul View Post
                I was ready to chuck the controller away in disgust before your intervention!
                No problemo


                  just recently got back into resi 5, can't believe the way you can join over players (who have infinite ammo/etc) and run through it on the harder difficulty settings with ease hehe


                    ive noticed on my trophies list that there are ones for slayers and survivors modes but i can't access anything in game to do with these. what are they?


                      DLC i think mate


                        First time I played this I really wasn't impressed at all and actually felt very disappointed. However, I've recently gone back to it and played through on the harder difficulty and then again on Amatuer (for an easy sub 5hour completion) and by the time I finished, I'd changed my opinion and have grown to really enjoy it.

                        Granted, its not as good as RE4 and doesn't really feel like a RE game, but if you take it at face value it is still very entertaining.

                        I do hope though that for the next one they try and return to the old style survival horror rather than the more action orientated RE4 template, otherwise I can start to see the franchise loosing its identity and disappearing in a sea of Gears of War clones.


                          found something in the guide that isnt in the manual

                          press R3&L3 (two analoges) and your character taunts/'provokes' the enemy. Chris says' come on, come on!


                            gdamn im losing sleep over my lost save game now, mainly because i really want to play mercenaries ... and jills ass.

                            Im getting close to sitting down and doing it allllll agian, as in all the weapon upgrades, infinite ammo, prof mode etc...stars wesker...well maybe.....its grating at me anyhow gahhh

                            *edit* well cleared it, and already unlocked costumes, infinite magnum, longbow etc again...damn...i can really get into this game again, need some ps3 buddies for mercenaries!
                            Last edited by Largo; 21-12-2009, 03:45.


                              Can anybody advise me on how to get the "Be the Knife" trophy? I'm going for my first ever platinum. I just need to get this one trophy sorted out and then it's plain sailing. It's driving me nuts TBH.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                Go to one of the waterland stages (i think stage 3-2?), and just knife melee an arrow from one of the archers.

