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Zelda - the Wind Waker

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    I have to say i've stopped my quest in the WW.

    I'm FAR too busy at the moment re-arranging tiles into pictures.

    For money!!1!!

    Q. The side quest involving watering deku shoots. Do all of them have to watered within the 20min time limit? I watered 3, and came back after a dungeon, and i found 1 i watered withered again?

    Q. To be completist for completion sake, is it best to go for everything on the 2nd time through? Gannon pictograph statue and like?


      Yep, you have to do all the trees in one 20 min session; you can check the time left by clicking on the water bottle in the pause screen. Not a tough task once you've located them all, and the reward is a little disappointing. Still handy, though..


        What if you have two bottles filled with the Deku water?

        As for me, I just finished the second trip through the Forsaken Fortress and discovered that the deal about Tetra. Now I'm off the arrows of fire and ice.


          Originally posted by JRMacumber
          What if you have two bottles filled with the Deku water?

          As for me, I just finished the second trip through the Forsaken Fortress and discovered that the deal about Tetra. Now I'm off the arrows of fire and ice.
          Why two bottles? The Special Magic water never runs out, but it turns into normal water after 20 mins.

          But! I had filled my bottle with Forest Water, and just stood in the Forest for 20 mins. (I was waiting for it to turn into normal water so I could empty the bottle because I was actually trying to catch a firefly. Obviously it never did: it only turns into normal water after you've left the Forest), then when I left the Forest I'm quite sure it took 40 mins. for it to turn into normal water. So if you're having trouble with the time limit, give that a try.


            Ah! Though I was the only one that had encountered that problem. I was so pissed off that I had to wait 20 minutes. I just decieded to sail and explore some islands instead. I was like '****e! cannae get the stuff out the bottle!' ft:


              heh. I spent a few attempts trying to empty the bottle after i, by mistake, spilt some out of the bottle once. Me thinking that would limit amount i could use spent ages to try to empty it. lol. Only to laugh aloud at my stupid-ness when releasing that it doesn't run out until the time runs out

              I have completed both the JAP and US now and feel extremely pleased with the Wind Waker experience. It is the better Zelda imo, and to say that is saying a lot?

              I have always claimed OOT to be one of the ?best games ever? and still strongly believe that, but Wind Waker is better imo. It may not have the same ?wow? factor that playing OOT for the first time did (a little like the difference in playing M64 and SMS for the first time, but obviously not quite the same) but Wind Waker has everything which made OOT so special but also so much more.

              How I try to think of the two is that they make the absolute perfect pair. You cannot have Wind Waker without Ocarina Of Time as OOT is the true beginning. To only play Wind Waker means you have already missed the beginning chapters. To only play Ocarina Of Time means you will never know the true end. It makes why Nintendo released the bonus disk as a free gift make all the more sense.

              Right now I am trying to collect all the heart pieces in my main save file before I go through the Extra File. I have a total of 17 full hearts now, so only 3 more to complete.

              Cherished it from the start, shall love it as I continue to play, shall adore the memories in time to come.
              ----Member since April 2002



                Anyone heard about that cheat in Action Replay that let's you wander in two test environments? News story here:

                Anyone tried it or gonna try it?


                  Indeedy. There is already a topic about this intriguing matter other at the Import | Tech Q&A section. The actual thread can be found by clicking right here

                  Look at the water! It is transparant...

                  This has quite tempted me to purchase the AR now... Very bizarre indeed
                  ----Member since April 2002



                    I'm loving this game, I too have never ventured into Zelda territory before but this is outstanding. Just completed the two sage quests, now got to find the tri-force shards. I think my favourite parts have been on completion of the sage levels seeing the three folks playing their instuments.



                      Both JAP and US have been completed and I can strongly confirm my believe that WW is just as good if not better then OOT. This becomes truly apparent when u reply OOT. As I have mentioned before in my post above this, they make the perfect couple, I really do believe you cannot truly appreciate one without the other.

                      One thing I have been meaning to ask is about the guy in the Nintendo Gallery. I am assuming the majority have at least spoken to him and collected a couple of trophies through curiosity at least. I could not help but to smile at his dialogue and how it seems to mimics Nintendo?s modern-day business and their reputation, especially during the first revealing of link?s new look and graphical style.

                      He says something like his ?club has had declining membership in recent years, but as long as you remain a member i'll be ok? Obviously he says more then this, and I apologize that I am unable to type his exact words, overall it is mainly that he has been losing costumers due to the lack of his ?flashy gimmicks? etc but to others who have seen this, did you think there was more to what he was saying, and that Nintendo have been cunningly amusing?

                      Anyhoo, I am still trying to find all the heart pieces and loving the peacefulness of the ocean and the refreshing new style. I still find it quite amazing.

                      I hope it receives the attention it deserves in the UK, WW winning the ?most wanted? award in the Gaming Awards on tv was a good sign at least.

                      Kind regards
                      ----Member since April 2002



                        I managed to beat WW on Friday and aside from dying a few times on Ganondorf, I felt Ganondorf was harder in WW than in OOT. Anyone else feel the same? On OOT I managed to beat him first time, but on WW it took a couple tries since...

                        Originally posted by spoiler
                        Zelda kept firing the Light arrows at me, whilst I was trying to make a bit of room for myself to stun him. Peeved me off no end I tell you.


                          im on the bit where you have to find all the triforce charts and the pieces of the triforce piece, boy is it tedious.


                            Spoilers, obviously.

                            Originally posted by spoiler
                            I actually didn't find the the Triforce finding that tedious, since I mixed it up with doing sidequests and the two sage quests.

                            It's well worth it for the final, final Ganandorf battle though. Two swords! That guy should be in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. When Zelda starts shooting arrows at you, I went all out on Ganondorf, quickly pressing the L-trigger and the B in quick succession, so you can get in more hits then by just holding the L-trigger and pressing B. He defended every single one! I know it's all scripted, but the way he moved, it's crazy! I especially liked the way he defended my special A attack by putting one sword behind his back, Darth Maul style.

                            And I'm pretty surprised that Nintendo actually showed Link stabbing Ganondorf in the head, especially since it got rated E.

                            Now, to replay that battle, over and over again.


                              Ooooh, be careful there Mr. I would advice editing your post and placing it in a Spoiler tag. I personally do not mind reading the above, as I too feel the same and absolutely love the last scene. However, I?m sure others out there haven't got to that just yet.

                              Concerning the Triforce collecting: This has changed quite a bit since the JAP version. How it is in the US really really makes life easier and less tedious. First of all, there is no "IN-Credible" map, which shows you where all the maps and pieces of Triforce are. You have to find them yourself.

                              Originally posted by spoiler
                              the piece of Triforce in the Gold Pirate boat is very much different. In the JAP version it didn't just simply drop the Triforce map, it dropped another map leading to another map, leading to another map which funny enough lead to another and that, yes... lead to the Triforce map.
                              That wasn't fun.

                              But all in all though, the US Triforce collecting is very much improved
                              ----Member since April 2002



                                lol, ouch.

