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Call of Duty Ghosts review

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    Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
    That never happened, gaming journalism is just as bent as any other.
    It did with Imports, there was no other way to get them in the good old days!


      Some speccy games got "reviewed" before they were even finished and occasionally with out even playing or seeing them.


        I'd like to know what penalties are placed on any review site/journo for breaking an embargo. No longer invited to swanky dev parties or what? I guess at minimum you don't get the preview and early review copies, which means you review late, which means you lose site clicks and ad revenue, which means everyone complies with this fraudulent nonsense. Is that how it works?


          Originally posted by Golgo View Post
          I'd like to know what penalties are placed on any review site/journo for breaking an embargo. No longer invited to swanky dev parties or what? I guess at minimum you don't get the preview and early review copies, which means you review late, which means you lose site clicks and ad revenue, which means everyone complies with this fraudulent nonsense. Is that how it works?
          I think so, just look at what happened to Jeff Gertsman when he gave a game a bad review = sacked


            Originally posted by jim g View Post
            It did with Imports, there was no other way to get them in the good old days!
            No it didn't, not that often. Most times they would strike deals with local importers for access, especially to cart games.


              Played the MP a bit more now.

              Its not bad tbh. The sLAG is a pain when it happens but then its always been there thruout the series, as are the camping c*nts & the pr1cks quick scoping.

              It feels like they tried to take some of the BF series ideas onboard with the hurdling over obstacles & the bigger maps, which i think is a great idea despite some ppl complaing that they have to run for ages to get to the action (make up your mind peeps - bigger or smaller).
              The castle map reminds me of some maps from COD 2 & 3 (b4 the MW series) as there was a nice castle map in 1 of them & a cool bomb smashed village too.
              The maps really do feel like some thought went into them this time around, & are not as constricting as b4. There's a lot of ways to get to where you want to now, rather than narrow choke points. Buildings also have more entries to them & more methods to get to rooftops/floors.

              The game also kinda reminds me of Homefront in some ways i.e. the pastel coloured environments & 1 of the maps even looks similar to a HF map, which again is a good thing in my books as i loved HF (cant wait for HF2 btw ).

              To me the controls always felt stiffer on the IW games, which I'm not keen on. The Trey games' movement was much looser & flows better for me.

              Its good to see that rather than releasing a pack of endless hounds you have instead got 1 Rover who protects you/attacks, & stays alive even after you've been capped, & from the enemies pov at least he does stay dead & there wont be another respawning once you've shot the little bugger!

              Good to see that KILLSTREAKS are back & hopefully they will bin that stupid scorestreaks sporting idea from BO2 for good.
              Also they have jigged it a bit so that 2 assists count as 1 kill towards your killstreaks which is a good idea.
              Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 07-11-2013, 16:33.


                Thats the thing about the maps, choke points and simplicity are what make up some of the genre's best maps ever. They should go back to COD4, MW2, BLOPS and see where they are going wrong.

                They are too big, a lot of them are a jumble of routes, and there is a distinct lack of proper structure to most of them. Its like the crap players who moan about handling certain parts of the best maps(instead of approaching them with some thought) have paved way to this breed of map design which just feels empty to me.

                Unmemorable, empty, and annoying.

                Every cod has been a twitch shooter, but even if you were not exactly daigo umehara in the reaction dept, you could make up for it with good strategy in maps designed to offer risk/reward, now you need to always move to get kills...or rather move aimlessly, and as a knock on effect of constantly having to move, you are also constantly killed...leading to mind numbing annoyance. Yes camping can be annoying, but if the map is designed well, there is always a way to get around this hurdle(smoke grenades, distraction etc)

                Like someone else said recently about mainstream games in general, everything seems designed for the lowest possible denominator.

                2 men worked on pandora tomorrow multiplayer.....

                I like the 2 things i liked from mw3, riotshield(dumbed down though)with m9/tactical knife/throwing knives, and the specialist perks.
                Last edited by PaTaito; 07-11-2013, 18:03.


                  MW2's maps were mostly bad Imo. U spent a lot of time running around the edges as the centre of the maps were instant death, & the Bog (i think) map was a complete was of time, especially with the constant shower of airstrikes & chopper killstreaks all in the air at the same time.
                  MW2's all round ridiculousness is what killed the series for my bro, & he's never touched a COD since, which is a shame as Blk Ops was a return to form imo.

                  MW1 & Blk Ops maps were class tho. In fact they were just all round class


                    Do you guys think the higher player count on the new consoles will help this with the maps being so big?


                      Originally posted by nonny View Post
                      Do you guys think the higher player count on the new consoles will help this with the maps being so big?
                      Only partially. The design is the big issue. Eddie cannot agree about mw2 maps, they are godlike compared to the current crop since mw3.

                      I mean yes there were choke points, but you had the option to risk it for lots of kills in the middle(risk/reward), or go the slower approach and snipe/sneak around the sides. In a word...structure, and its seriously lacking these days.

                      Its all about denying the possibility of camping as much as possible, but they should be reminded that its a big part of shooters.

                      Now quickscoping rules, maybe to some degree because of this shift in design ethos.

                      I spent a lot of time on mw2, on said map, in the middle with my smg class, smoking and getting knives having a right laugh. but then i would also hit the desolate house around the edge(you know the one) and fight to hold the camping position. It gave you proper tactical options that feel lacking on most maps in these newest games.

                      Cod4 was perfect in every regard.
                      Last edited by PaTaito; 07-11-2013, 19:31.


                        Another night and I'm settling with this. Personally, camping hasn't come up and neither has quick scoping. The multi routes are confusing at times but now the grace period is done I'm appreciating the change of pace. 18 players on next gen will probably just right rather than 12 but none the less I don't find the maps to be too big, if anything they highlight how too many of the series maps have been too small. The scaled down killstreak system is a god send too. There's more running but you feel like there's time to breath. Certainly still a massive amount less treking than BF involves. I'm liking this more than MW3 for sure. However, in the same breath its no series peak. I agree that MW2 had the better maps, the clincher there though was MW2 had it's awful killstreaks that killed them so often. There's a balance between themthat could be great but I don't think nu-IW have it in them.


                          Has there been a huge leap in people playing this today?, cos the sLAG is f*ckin terrible all of a sudden.

                          Played about 2 hours & every game ended with about 6 kills & 18 deaths for me, & altho I'm no pro at this I am definitely NOT this bad either


                            For all the talk about lag being improved, its no better than any other iteration.

                            Some games its almost like 1 shot kill, and then killcam they put 5 or 6 in you.


                              Its a lot worse tonight on the 360.
                              I tried to pop a few enemies & they would suddenly disappear then re appear about 10 foot nearer to me.

                              Btw can we change the title of the thread to include all formats please
                              Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 08-11-2013, 17:42.


                                How do you tell who is the host on ps3 cos I think I am hosting every game I play. My name I always highlighted I blue background which I think means I am the host

