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Psyvariar 2: The Will To Fabricate

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    i have a quick question,ive just started playing this today and i love it but im a little confussed.
    if im right you you can spin and scrap against bullets to collect buzz which in turn increases your level,i also believe at some point you turn invincable but i cant tell when this is and keep crashing in bullets any help would be great


      All is revealed here trev.


        Originally posted by charlesr
        All is revealed here trev.
        nice one cheers charlesr ive printed that off ill take a look later tonight and see if i can work the game system out (it cant be that hard)


          Finally got my DC working again this evening, and thought I'd have a quick go to make sure everything's in working order... The next thing I know, it's 3am

          Buzzing and levelling-up Psyvariar-style is so damn addictive. There's very few gaming experiences I can compare to it (scoring on WE7 comes to mind)

          My hand is also very painful at the moment from the pad, but I'm getting much worse scores with the stick and don't have anywhere near the same level of control with it.


            Damn, it seems everyone's DC is crashing lately, mine included.

            I've got the reset and disc error problem combined. Yet they're frequently random. God knows what's going to happen in 15 years from now when we all want to play on our beloved consoles.

            I guess we'll have to rely on emulation.

            As for Psyvariar 2... I think I'm going to cave in and order it in a couple of days time if there are any copies about.

            There are some immense games coming out on Friday, and it'd be nice to have this to accompany them (or thereabouts) too. This thread has certainly been fascinating reading, and like another poster said a while ago, Saur's been tireless in fighting the diehard cause to get this series recognised on the map in the UK. Good to see both the review on the main site, and the evident enthusiasm expressed by so many here, give a game lacking profile the limelight it deserves.

            Hopefully I'll be able to join in soon.


              Nice to see a link Charles's NTSC review linked from Play-Asia also.

              Some more vids here; not the best scores/buzz, but may help ??


                My Psyvariar 2 OST has shipped! w00t!!


                  Uhm, i downloaded tian's video of stage 1...
                  I don't get what error i do on the last pattern of first form: i get the pink bullets rotating attack,and destroy the boss with levels up before it really starts shooting.Aside that, i have figured out...

                  (but i never thought of not buzzing to slow down the neutrino increase, and thus be ready for other attacks, what a newbie ^^; )

                  Any tips?

                  If they don't put up a video of stage 2 i'm going to become crazy O_O


                    I'm trying to get to grips with the Area 1 boss at the moment too.

                    Originally posted by randorama
                    Uhm, i downloaded tian's video of stage 1...
                    I don't get what error i do on the last pattern of first form: i get the pink bullets rotating attack,and destroy the boss with levels up before it really starts shooting.Aside that, i have figured out...
                    I think the trick is not to sit dead center of the boss when levelling up, so that you damage him less and he lasts longer. Saur pointed that out to me

                    I don't really have this boss sorted though.


                      (but i never thought of not buzzing to slow down the neutrino increase, and thus be ready for other attacks, what a newbie ^^; )

                      Any tips?
                      This is key to all boss battles in all 3 Psyvariar games - there is a lot of room to experiment. Make sure you sort your stage routine out so that you start the boss with the Neutrino positioned to your liking, by rolling or not rolling during patterns you can control the rate the Neutrino increases. Also by firing a quick shot you can get about 1/10 on the Neutrino each burst.

                      If you check out the Earth boss strategy I wrote - that follows the same tactic (but start at 70% Neutrino not 80% as I said before - it's too much even if you dont roll)



                        Got my Total Control Plus DC->PS2 adaptor today and it plays like a dream for me on my PS2 controller, now I can actually play it 8)

                        It has a VMU slot for saving those high scores also, time to rack up those high scores


                          JammyD - very interesting; my Total Control thing must be ****ed as it doesn't work properly with Psy 2


                            The adaptor switch is on the middle setting, right? My PS2 controller only works fully with the switch on the middle setting.

                            I keep pressing the R1 button every time I flick the left analogue stick to spin, as if I'm subconsciously pressing the roll button to roll

                            I know it's probably been explained already in the previous 20 pages, but what do the light brown/light blue round things do to your gauge when you shoot them?

                            Spider mecha boss is giving me grief on it's second incarnation, I'm slowly working out all the shot patterns, but loving it all the same. I'll try out the videos when I feel I've pushed myself to the limit in the first few levels.

                            Have to say, though, I'm completely lost with the buzz gauge in Psy2, I can't control it at all


                              The brown things increase your level gauge to blue (good/fast level up), so shoot them (or preferably smack thru them while invincible). The blue things decrease your level gauge, so leave them well alone until they are about to disappear off the screen and then smakc thru them.


                                Its slightly subtler than that. While the red orbs are on screen they decrease (make more red) the Neutrino bar and while blue orbs are on screen they increase (make more blue) the Neutrino bar.

                                So as you said, you want to get rid of the red orbs as soon as possible, and leave the blue orbs alone. smacking the blue orbs as they're about to disappear off the bottom of the screen is a good tactic too, because they spew out a dense ring of blue bullets when destroyed.

                                Bosses always affect the Neutrino bar (make it more red), though with some there are ways of increasing it. With the Area 0 boss explode him three times, with the Area 3 boss shoot his rotating grey shields.

