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Nintendo Wii

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    Originally posted by MattyD
    Who are these people and why do they have Wiis already!?

    I'm guessing they're some kind of socialite movers and shakers getting freebies to big it up to all their trendy mates?
    Or mabye they work for a magazine called ATOMIX...


      Wii to output in 720P

      The official UK Nintendo mag states that the Wii will output not only in 720i but also 720p. This is not known to be true and could well just be an error, on the other hand it might be damn right and that would be great .

      probably a typo....


        The 720i part is definitely a typo, cos there's no such thing as 720i

        Edit: I thought the 720i thing was familiar, someone posted this yesterday, and more knowledgable people than I have said there's definitely no such thing as 720i.


          And less importantly, why can't you have an interlaced 720 signal, but you can a 480, 576 and 1080.....?

          Over to the nerds


            Originally posted by djjimbob
            And less importantly, why can't you have an interlaced 720 signal, but you can a 480, 576 and 1080.....?

            Over to the nerds
            I assume you can its just not part of the HD standard so nothing uses it.


              Looks like that 720p quote is wrong.


                Originally posted by Official Nintendo Magazine
                At the time of going to print, Wii games will output in 720i and 720p - 720i is your standard TV picture.
                Glad to see they know their stuff


                  Originally posted by Ouenben
                  Dont you want a Nunchuck to go with your Wii remote bundled with Wii play?
                  Also you'll need Virtual console points (Wii points) to buy games for the VC.
                  Component cable... yeh good luck getting one mate....
                  I think the games in Wii Play use remotes only for control in multiplayer and the only other game that needs the nunchuck is Wii Boxing... If that's good enough to warant the extra purchase but we'll see.
                  The Wii points I'll buy via online and not the cards
                  The component cable, may be deemed as wishful thinking but Nintendo Europe have stated that it will be available and if it's not its a fair bet there will be a ton of 3rd party ones to fill their place.


                    Originally posted by NecronomiconUK
                    The Wii points I'll buy via online and not the cards
                    Any official confirmation on how that's going to work yet? I somehow can't picture Nintendo allowing credit card transactions through the Wii's interface, like the 360.


                      I suppose one way to buy em online is to buy the cards from a online retailer and then get them to scratch the panel off and then email the code across?


                        I'm getting less and less excited by wii at the moment, Nintendo have really failed to capitalise on any sort of momentum they had going and I am a ninty fanboy.

                        They just are not releasing anything to get me really, really excited lately. am really looking forward to playing elebits more than any first party wii game at the moment as I will be getting Zelda on the cube as swinging my arms around to slash the sword has totally put me off the wii version.

                        I think Nintendo really has to get something more going soon, as they are definetly losing momentum in my opinion.


                          Originally posted by revlob
                          Any official confirmation on how that's going to work yet? I somehow can't picture Nintendo allowing credit card transactions through the Wii's interface, like the 360.
                          Err..why not??

                          They allowed it with the 64DD and the other online services,so why not on the wii?Contrary to popular belief, Nintendo are not stuck in the dark ages ffs.


                            Originally posted by Mofoman
                            I'm getting less and less excited by wii at the moment, Nintendo have really failed to capitalise on any sort of momentum they had going and I am a ninty fanboy.

                            They just are not releasing anything to get me really, really excited lately. am really looking forward to playing elebits more than any first party wii game at the moment as I will be getting Zelda on the cube as swinging my arms around to slash the sword has totally put me off the wii version.

                            I think Nintendo really has to get something more going soon, as they are definetly losing momentum in my opinion.
                            have you actually read any impressions from people who have played it at lenght. The Zelda impressions, particularly from Edge, are great. How can a platform that's shipping with arguably the biggest and most detailed Zelda game ever made not interest you if you are at all interested in Nintendo games.

                            You could play it on cube I suppose, but then you'd be playing in 4:3 with no 480p and no fishing game... and if you've played TOoT, then you'll know just how good fishing could turn out to be!


                              Originally posted by scottcr
                              have you actually read any impressions from people who have played it at lenght. The Zelda impressions, particularly from Edge, are great. How can a platform that's shipping with arguably the biggest and most detailed Zelda game ever made not interest you if you are at all interested in Nintendo games.

                              You could play it on cube I suppose, but then you'd be playing in 4:3 with no 480p and no fishing game... and if you've played TOoT, then you'll know just how good fishing could turn out to be!
                              I am interested in Zelda and I played the game on the Cube at the Edinburgh games festival a couple of years ago and the game was amazing and fitted the cube controller to perfection.I want to play it that way, without the motion control cause it really has just been shoehorned in for the wii version and the only graphical difference will be it running in 16:9, cause the game will run at 480p on an ntsc cube for your information.So I know how good Zelda is and I am really looking forward to it, but for me it is a cube game and always will be.

                              The only other first party game I will buy with my jpn wii will be made in Wario which I am sure will be amazing .

                              The point I am making is Nintendo should be doing just a bit more to keep that momentum they had built to keep on moving towards launch like they did with the DS.


                                Originally posted by Mofoman
                                I want to play it that way, without the motion control cause it really has just been shoehorned in for the wii version
                                Unless you actually play it though, how do you know? Being their biggest Wii launch title plus one of their biggest franchises, I think they will have spent a fair bit of time perfecting the control mechanism.

                                Originally posted by Mofoman
                                The point I am making is Nintendo should be doing just a bit more to keep that momentum they had built to keep on moving towards launch like they did with the DS.
                                Judging by some of the threads here, there still is that momentum. Only a couple of weeks to go now!

