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Gran Turismo 5

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    Just to throw my two-pence in, I can confirm that they are enforcing the use of 3.5 - but only started when it was released. Bear in mind you can't enforce the use of unproven firmware - and as soon as it was tested it was released because of security reasons. (Sometime firmware releases are held back for quite some time.)

    I think not only is this delay something they couldn't have prevented - but it's prudent and wise for them to delay GT5 for it.


      News Years Eve for the JPN version I've been told.
      Kept you waiting, huh?


        That would surely mean a 2011 release here then, given delays with bank hols delivery etc... January 14th 2011?


          I'm sure they stated it wouldn't be that long. Not that I'm inclined to believe them at the moment.


            I agree that it's the piracy angle that's the reason and if so, it takes balls to postpone such a major release. Hats off to them for that. My only concern would be that they haven't announced a proper release date yet, which suggests that the manufacturing slot hasn't been full re-scheduled yet.

            I can see some copies hitting shelves before Christmas, but I suspect it could be a limited run.


              Sony surely would want to prioritize this release and get this out before Christmas no matter what?

              Early Jan is just not the best period, keep in mind they have to push LBP and Killzone 3 by then. And I suspect LBP 2 has been delayed for this game to begin with.

              Sony has to offer at least something for the last quarter. I hope they'll know what they are doing.
              Last edited by saturn-gamer; 15-10-2010, 19:47.


                From today's event in Taiwan.

                The video seems to concentrate on the photo mode, the Red Bull Hanger looks stupidly pretty. It also includes the final engine sounds which hadn't really been shown properly before and it's worth watching in at 720p on YouTube.

                The limited edition blue PS3 will be on sale in China as well as Japan. There's also a couple of extras with sticker a pack and a rather nice cognac glass.

                A few other details include global servers, customising your in game avatar and a load of new menu screens extra information.


                  I know I've seen hundreds of videos of this game but it's graphics still blow me away every time it really is looking incredible.


                    I rather see them delaying the game to get all the bugs out and make it "perfect" instead off releasing a half finished gamed like F1 2010 ....

                    still though, I would prefer developers keep their mouth shut about release dates till the game is 98% finished...


                      Originally posted by TheForce View Post
                      I rather see them delaying the game to get all the bugs out and make it "perfect" instead off releasing a half finished gamed like F1 2010 ....

                      still though, I would prefer developers keep their mouth shut about release dates till the game is 98% finished...
                      With GT5 it probably was 98% done when they announced the recent November 2010 release date. But in GT5's terms, 2% is a massive amount of work.


                        correct, but they are delaying the game for the last 3 years already... they were already talking about release dates when the game was maybe 25% complete..
                        When this would have been the only delay it wouldn't cause such a mess as it does now with people getting sick of waiting for the game...


                          It's the second delay for Japan where it had originally been announced for March but it's the first delay for every other region.

                          The game is complete but due to the firmware hack they have correctly mandated that the latest firmware must be included on the blu-ray so it appears to be the end of November rather than the beginning.

                          Irrelevant of the previous delay in Japan, the "mess" would be exactly the same now as they'd still need to wait for a free production slot at the busiest time of the year.


                            "In an April 2008 interview, Yamauchi revealed that 150 people had worked on Gran Turismo 5 for four years, with all of Polyphony Digital's 120 employees working on GT5, and the game costing 50 times more to develop than 1997's Gran Turismo, with Yamauchi later disclosing that Gran Turismo 5 had cost $60 million to develop" (from

                            So as of 2008, it had cost $3,000,000,000 to develop (4 years worth). So add on another $2,000,000,000 for the 3 years since then. That's a total of $5bn to develop.

                            Original GT sold 10.85 million copies, so maybe this will sell that many. So to break even, this will have to retail at $500 a copy. Even if every PS3 owner on the planet (35m) buys one, to break even, it will have to retail at $142 a copy (presuming manufacture costs are negligable compared to the bonkers dev cost).

                            Either Yamauchi is a big fat liar, or this is the biggest balls up in the history of massive balls ups in balls up land.

                            There's also another alternative. That I've got my outrageous sums wrong.
                            Last edited by charlesr; 16-10-2010, 16:03.


                              My money is on 'big fat liar'. Maybe it's taking so long because they just have one guy on it and he's only allowed work on it during his lunch break.


                                In other news Yamauchi said he's actually my father.

