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Gran Turismo 5

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    I understand the frustration at the slip, absolutely, it's the following hoo-hah that has gotten ridiculously out of hand. People are baying for blood, demanding a release date - it's as if they don't think Sony want to get this out as soon as possible (Black Friday in the US along with Christmas sales everywhere else), of course they do.

    I maintain that they're making 100% sure that they can launch before announcing the date, and seeing the reaction to the last slip I can completely understand why. At the moment I'm of the impression that anything Sony say on the matter would be ripped to shreds, so it must seem like the relatively safe option for them to keep mum.

    As for The Stig, you have to assume that's at the behest of the BBC. I know they own the rights, but I wonder if they'll carry on with it for the next series. I saw mention of some deal between the Forza team and Top Gear as well (thanks, Microsoft) so that might play into it as well.


      Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
      It's Sony that promised its fans a new announcement before November and they didn't. If they did, no one would react like the lot of them do now as there would be no reason to speculate.
      This is one of the things that keeps being mentioned in different places, everybody seems to know Sony said that but I'm yet to see any confirmation of this.

      I could well be wrong about that but the only thing I've ever seen from Sony directly about a release date is this...
      Originally posted by
      It was announced today that Gran Turismo 5 will not be available this November 2nd as originally announced, but the game will be coming this holiday season.

      We sincerely apologize to GT fans for the delay. Creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience, and we are all confident that this ambitious game will exceed expectations when it launches.

      Check back here on the official Gran Turismo website for further updates.
      ...which is another thing that seems to have changed into something completely different as it's been passed around.

      As I said, I could well be wrong about that and I apologise if I am and a link would be nice to read through but I'm yet to see anything of Sony confirming a new release date would be given by the end of November.


        GT5 showed up in my purchase order summary today with a pick date of the 11/11/10
        Things dont come up on the PO system unless its in stock.
        Dont think I`ll hold my breath for my delivery tomorrow.


          I'm sure Sony said things along those lines, but could've been removed since then.

          I can still find it on IGN though:

          October 13, 2010

          Gran Turismo 5 has been delayed once more as Sony announces it is to miss its November release date.

          "We sincerely apologize to GT fans for the delay," explained the official US PlayStation blog, "however, creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience, and we are confident that this ambitious game will exceed expectations when it launches."

          Gran Turismo 5 was slated for a release on November 2 in the US and November 5 in the UK. Sony has since confirmed that the delay is global, with its European outlet saying it hopes to reveal a new date before the end of the month and that it's to see a release before Christmas.


            "SCEE hopes to reveal a new date before the end of the month" is a LONG way away from a committal of any kind.


              I don't believe anything thats ever said about the release of this game anymore from Sony or whoevers in the business.

              My reckoning, if the rumours are true (about it being "produced") that the release of it will be a lot like the Sega Saturn (i.e. its out next week) with about 5 days notice...
              Its such an embarrisng failure to release for Xmas that Sony share prices will literally bomb because of the missed oppertunity.

              I'm hoping its the former (hanging onto what little dignity there is left in being actually interested if it is actually coming out at all), but its more likely the latter, and thats why no annoucement from Sony has happened yet, they are too nervous about investor reaction to such a massive failure at what is considered a peak time for sales, especially as a lot of people have stated they will actually buy a PS3 just to play this game


                Who wants to bet that one of the songs on the soundtrack was discovered to have lyrics that were offensive to Mormons?


                  My Chemical Romance is offensive to my ears, although I doubt thats whats holding it up!



                      Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                      "SCEE hopes to reveal a new date before the end of the month" is a LONG way away from a committal of any kind.

                      This is quite a committal, or close enough to fuel flames on the internet. Sony knows that too. Otherwise they could've just said 'in the near future' or something like that.
                      Last edited by saturn-gamer; 12-11-2010, 08:41.


                        Closer, but still not a committal (though I can understand why it might be taken that way). There's a reason trains have an 'expected' time. :-p


                          I have a mate that works very closely with Red Bull Racing. He has been invited to the launch event for GT5 "Sometime before Xmas" as Red Bull have something to do with GT5.Apologies if this is old news, havent been keeping an eye on this thread.


                            Yeah, there's a Twitter update from someone in RBR too saying similar. As for their involvement with GT5, it's pretty substantial!


                              More updates and leaks.

                              It's hard to see, but there are 2 Ferrari F1 cars, one being the F1 2007 & the other appears to be this years car...

                              Also Monza in the wet.


                                Also, apparently NONE of the trophies are online related. Awesome.

