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Gran Turismo 5

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      Originally posted by Number45 View Post
      MB on the EU forums has just posted 24th across Europe, and the DE blog post says PAL territories. Looks like everyone.
      A Wednesday? (Waiting for the inevitable "we got it wrong" announcement)


        Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
        God damn it! Now I've got to scramble making sure the funds are in place for this. I'll probably still get NFS though, it'll counter the sterile stylings of GT well.
        Yeah, I got Assassins creed, NFS and GT 5 pre-ordered in the space of a week.


          Don't bet on DLC, Yamauchi supposedly said he isn't going to work on that. But i'd buy Premium Car packs right away!

          GT5 does look like its a bit bare. The 800 GT4 cars cover it up somewhat. I agree tho, ditch the clone cars.

          Online is another question, nothing on it yet. Yamauchi is supposed to dislike online play, no trophies for it either. But thats something I applaud.


            Originally posted by englishbob View Post
            A Wednesday? (Waiting for the inevitable "we got it wrong" announcement)
            Yup, all fully confirmed.

            Anyhoo, I've been to the gym. My hype-fuelled adrenaline rush is gone, I'm back to picking up NFS and waiting for this now. :-p

            Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
            GT5 does look like its a bit bare.



              The car list is biased Japanese, and lots of clones (I mean, whats the deal with some 20 Miata's or whatever?). Even between the premiums. Although Forza 3 offers 'only' 400, their car list owns this for sure. Its more diverse, more western oriented too. I prefer those cars myself.

              Then the tracks, there are like 10 less than GT4 offered before. You can't please everyone but I'd love Seattle, Motegi, Apricot...

              For a game with this development cycle, it seems its not going to offer all that much. It looks like a lot if you go by the numbers, but i'm not impressed. I haven't played it yet ofcourse, but based on those published lists I'm kind of disappointed. But perhaps thats good, being too hyped won't usually end up well.
              Last edited by saturn-gamer; 12-11-2010, 22:52.


                I'll give you the tracks and the clones (Though you shouldn't be surprised at some of the manufacturers, Polyphony has incredibly close ties with some of them), however as I mentioned previously I suspect we'll see them either as DLC or perhaps even unlocked through the career mode.

                And, biased Japanese? How can that possibly surprise you?

                Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                The internet will pronounce this a failure critically and commercially regardless of any information to the contrary, I predict.
                Just sayin'.


                  The amount of tracks and variations was announced two years ago so there should be no surprises there at all.

                  It's exactly the same with the cars, people have known how many of them were being imported directly from the original assets that GT 4 for ages so there should be no surprise there.

                  People also seem to go on about the repeated delays which haven't happened and this 5 or 6 year development time that people like to quote is also incorrect.

                  The PS3 was launched in March '07 over here and in a couple of weeks, which is less than 4 years since launch, they will be releasing their third full Gran Turismo title.

                  I know some people like to dismiss the other two for various but with over 7 million sales between the two titles and GT Prologue online community that although perhaps not as public as many of the bigger shooter communities, it still has thousands of individual users racing daily.

                  I understand some people are going to disappointed in GT5 because their favourite car or track isn't included or they don't like some features than are in or are not in but it's to be expected that not everybody is going to be happy with the game. It's been the same with all GT titles and all games.

                  So much of the issues that people are talking about are purely self created as the information has been made public throughout the development but some, not all, some people have adde their own take on the information that was published and changed into something that bears no relevance to what was actually announced.

                  With the information that has been leaked over the past couple of weeks, I can't think of any of it that hasn't already been known apart from of course specifics like the final track/car list although the 800+ cars coming from GT4/GT PSP have been known for some time.

                  There's been no real surprises for me and what the release game contains is exactly what I was expecting it contain based on the information that was previously announced by Sony. They've given what they said they would give which doesn't match up with what some people thought they were getting.

                  Not everybody is going to be happy with the game but I think that's reasonable for any product and although we don't know at the moment there will be millions of people who are happy with the game they've bought if people look back at it a year from now.

                  I'm going to shut up now but concerning the track and car lists that were published, previous games didn't announce all of the cars & tracks even in the complete lists but let people discover some on their own. It doesn't mean it's going to happen with this game but if some people are unhappy that something is missing there is still a small chance that it's in the game.



                    The car list is biased Japanese, and lots of clones (I mean, whats the deal with some 20 Miata's or whatever?). Even between the premiums. Although Forza 3 offers 'only' 400, their car list owns this for sure. Its more diverse, more western oriented too. I prefer those cars myself.

                    At GT games have been like this, have you played the first one? (japanese release)

                    [QUOTE=saturn-gamer;1775394] Then the tracks, there are like 10 less than GT4 offered before. You can't please everyone but I'd love Seattle, Motegi, Apricot...

                    i think the detail way surpasses GT4....personally i cant be arsed with F1 tracks - they are so bland -

                    [QUOTE=saturn-gamer;1775394] For a game with this development cycle, it seems its not going to offer all that much.

                    you are joking right?
                    Last edited by dvdx2; 13-11-2010, 09:39.


                      Not at all, and nor do I call this game a failure of some sorts. I knew about the GT4 cars, yeah, but I didn't know about the added ones and not about the final tracks too. I remember GT5P's menu, showing details of Spa et al.

                      And yup, I played from GT1 onwards. Times have changed though, I'd prefer Forza's roster and I don't even like Forza itself all that much. Gamers have been asking for more variety since GT1 anyway. I remember that GT2 offered that, had the most diverse roster afaik.

                      Maybe the tracks are in, but as I said the LIST as its being published in its current state does disappoint me. I'm just not that hyped and I feel it could be for the better.
                      Last edited by saturn-gamer; 13-11-2010, 10:03.


                        Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post

                        And yup, I played from GT1 onwards. Times have changed though, I'd prefer Forza's roster and I don't even like Forza itself all that much. Gamers have been asking for more variety since GT1 anyway. I remember that GT2 offered that, had the most diverse roster afaik.
                        I think the Forza games have gone even more boring than GT . Found Forza III completely boring and bringing nothing new at all. At least GT 5 has double the amount of cars on track, brings in dynamic weather and lighting systems

                        Something to look forward too, in an ever increasing dull genre


                          So is there a final deffo release date with this then?


                            Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                            I think the Forza games have gone even more boring than GT . Found Forza III completely boring and bringing nothing new at all. At least GT 5 has double the amount of cars on track, brings in dynamic weather and lighting systems

                            Something to look forward too, in an ever increasing dull genre
                            Forza is ok, but very bland and sterile. I don't have any desire to play it. At least GT5 is a technical marvel, and will definitely impress me once I get some good cars to race. Yeah, GT5 is a racer I'm also looking forward to a lot.


                              Forza 3 is utter ZZZZZ. I only picked it up to listen to the engines and modify the cars. It does handle well but 8 cars in a race and a poor track selection makes it a bore.

                              GT has double the cars and better circuits but it looks like worse sound and no modifying. Ultimately though, it should be a far better game to play.


                                I enjoyed Forza 3 although it was definitely a step backwards rather than forwards in comparison to the fantastic Forza 2.

                                I imagine that's in some part down to Microsoft with their ongoing pursuit of the casual market and simplifying the game rather than Turn10 wanting to do it. It'll be interesting to see what happens with Forza 4, hopefully they'll try to take it back towards the better games rather than having tricks like using Kinect to drive.
                                Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                                GT has double the cars and better circuits but it looks like worse sound and no modifying. Ultimately though, it should be a far better game to play.
                                Do you mean the actual cars or the liveries?

                                You can modify the cars but the Forza 3 style livery editor has been announced as something they'll be doing for GT6. That could of course change though.

                                Although it doesn't show all of it this video from the final game shows some of the tuning modifications.

                                Fully race modified cars have also been shown but like the previous games it's unlikely that all cars will be able to reach that spec.
                                Last edited by JP; 13-11-2010, 11:53.

