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What has everyone been playing this week?

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    Civilization Revolution on the DS, took hours out of my day yesterday, they vanished, achieved a Domination Victory, was looking to win Culturally, but lost to Japan via Domination too. Seems hard to balance things if you dont just go for Domination, plus you dont do nearly as much when building Wonders etc and not moving troops etc.


      Finished off Dead Space which was a romp. Lots of FIFA, lots of Street Fighter.

      But the article on value for money actually prompted me to go back and play some of the games on the Orange Box again. Finished Portal and Episode One and working through Episode Two now.

      I think Valve really are my favourite developers in the world. So creative, so consistent. I've said this before but I literally cannot wait to see what new game they do next.


        InfAmOUs, still. On the third island now and it's still as much fun to fling Cole around the city as in those first few minutes. Amazing stuff.

        Just picked up Broken Sword 2 for the PS1 in Gamestation too. I haven't even escaped the house yet but I'm so in love with the look and feel of the game. It's aged really well, and those little flourishes of music when George figures something out work so well.


          Played some Sacred 2, which I've decided to give up on. I'm now going to be ploughing my time back into Burnout Paradise, getting the last few bits on Big Surf Island before going into the online Freeburn Challenges (And no doubt giving up on that pursuit with about 450 left to complete).

          Played some Drawn to Life on the DS (Don't understand the love for that game at all) and a little more Ouendan - which I suck at massively, but am enjoying nonetheless. Having said that, the recent tunes I've been going through haven't been as infectious as the first couple in the game, hopefully they improve again as I move on.


            Finished assassins creed, what a load of pretentious twallop for an ending, the game was alright, but just the same thing over and over, 5.5/10. I don't know what I was thinking trying to enjoy a Ubisoft title. annnyway.

            KOF96/97 still
            more ESPGaluda
            Finished Vanilla RE1 with Jill on the US PSN version of RE1C (wtf is with the music, it makes me sad they changed the whole soundtrack to a worse one)

            My RE5 disc came back today from continuous play (5 weeks!) so I shall be starting that again - woot


              After fixing my 360, I've been caning the games!

              Beautiful Katamari, that I got from the trading forum, has been quite addictive. I'm pretty sure I've one level left. Loved rolling up the entire Earth!

              I won a copy of GH: Metallica so I tried that out on all the instruments and despite getting through a lot of songs, I can't believe how harsh it is on me! Very well done if you're a Metallica fan.

              I picked up Stranglehold for a fiver off and am loving the excessive action film vibe.

              Finally, I've been playing some more Rainbow 6: Vegas on story co-op. Brill!


                Death Smiles
                Raiden Fighters
                Street Fighter III Third Strike

                Also tried to get into a bit of Tales Of Vesperia but i can't seem to get into it, which is a shame as i loved Symphonia so much, really don't like Vesperia's battle system/camera



                  I'm quite enjoying the summer-drought of videogames this year because, as well as providing me with ample time to devote to other interests, on the rare occasion I have picked up a controller it's been to return to great releases of yesteryear. And this week it's been:

                  Team Fortress 2
                  Chessmaster Live
                  Fable 2
                  Last edited by Charlie; 25-06-2009, 18:39. Reason: original post was almost retarded in it's structure


                    It's mainly been Team Fortress 2 for me as well. I played a lot of the game when it first came out and each update brings a lot to the game since the updated class will dominate the tables. My mates also play the game as well and not much can top playing with mates and having a voice chat channel open as well.


                      Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
                      Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

                      Completed both of these before, just playing for fun.
                      Not played anything on the telly lately, what with all the footy and tennis going on.


                        Oh, the love for Street Fighter IV continues strong!

                        Also clocked up another 5 or so hours on Rock Band Unplugged before my save deleted itself and I returned it in an absolute pig of a bad mood

                        Quick looky-looky at Vesperia, seems great but it's more for the missus.

                        Virtua Tennis 2009 (again only a quick peek) seems good - like all the other VT games.

                        Also played a bit of Everybody's Golf 2 on PSP which I picked up brand new for the bargainous price of ?4 from my local WH Smith!!!


                          Sacred 2 (ps3)
                          now @ lvl 42 and playing on silver, ive done 336 quests including the main story quest so for now im just equipment hunting and lvling and still enjoying this.

                          Call of Duty WaW (ps3)
                          only just got round to playing this for the first time ever this week and i have to say i enjoyed the single player campaign quite a lot.


                            More NHM. Major disappointment alert: you didn't get to use the toilet on the bus! One of the great thing about the game has been the tour of all the toilets in the various locations, but not here.


                              Bit of RE5 (up to 2-2 after getting my disc back) , and KOF94


                                Just started playing the 360 Prince of Persia game after first trying it round a friends house a few weeks ago. Really enjoying it so far.

                                Also been playing Professor Layton. I swear that game was designed to make me look or feel stupid. I get there in the end though and it is satisfying once you solve the puzzles.

