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Wii U - thread 3

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    I'm no macho man, so let's hug away. Nice post too, by the way.


      Yeah ditto nice post Adam! Though I have to disagree - I find the Wii U an absolute chore to use right now - it's slow interface and clunky design are just annoying. Yes PS3 Firmware 1.0 was equally crappy but that was 7 years ago..

      Then you look at the games... a HD port of a 3DS game and a Lego game don't really cut it - though I must admit ZombiU was absolutely superb, but I'm certain that'll make it's way to other formats.

      The main thing for me though is that I'm absolutely in love with my 3DS right now - if it wasn't for that machine, Luigi's Mansion 2, Castlevania and Fire Emblem I'd be ready to give up with gaming all together. This fills me with hope for the Wii U, hopefully Nintendo will bring some other stuff to the table aside from Pikmin and Mario Kart and if they do - I'm sure I'll be happy with my purchase!

      @ Charlie personally if your craving a bit of Nintendo magic play the Wii for now, it's absolutely not worth shelling out for the machine at the moment!


        Yeah, that's what I did. I was all set on buying a Wii U on release but it slowly dawned on me I was more excited about playing all the old Wii games I missed than I was about playing the launch Wii U titles. So I bought a Wii instead.


          It won't sell systems and isn't an original idea but I've loved the impact Miiverse has had on the games playing experience. I find it compelling to share cool moments and easy to find things out via it, its definitely one of the systems strengths and it's a shame there's currently no Dsrk Souls 2 due as it'd be the perfect format for it. At this point though I'll be genuinely surprised if Mario Kart 8 isn't out by Xmas so hopefully it'll all be gooood


            The wii u update has gone live according to c&vg bugger knew I should have checked before i left for work


              Yep! Updating now, takes about an hour.

              Also rayman challenges is awesome. Going to be addicted to that....
              ----Member since April 2002



                Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                It won't sell systems and isn't an original idea
                Whilst I agree it probably wont be a massive selling point, I would say its pretty original, where else have we seen this sort of set up on a console before?


                  Quick question, is this new update only part one? Nintendo Official Magazine seem to think so. Are we unlikely to see much difference in speed until next winter or whenever Nintendo decide to grace us with the missing bit? I think that's a bit lazy tbh if true.


                    Yes, there are two updates. One now, and another in the Summer.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      So do we know what this one will do and what the other one will do? Getting fed up with "loading please wait" continually appearing only for it to start loading something else straight after.


                        This one adds new features and speeds things up by more than half. The next one speeds things up even further by all accounts. It'll be so fast that it'll do things before you've even pressed the button. Or something.
                        Kept you waiting, huh?


                          So is this next update not finished yet then or something? Why not just give us both parts now? Or are Nintendo turning into minge-teasers?

                          Edit: And still only 33% complete of this one in 2 hours. Nintendo really need to sort out the Wi-Fi on the console. Half the time it doesn't work for me and when it does it's piss-slow


                            I tried to update mine 3 times but as soon as it brings up a progress bar it just disconnects and says try later whereas by comparison downloading eShop/VC games works first time and takes seconds so I'm not sure it's the console's Wi-Fi. The exact same thing happens every time there's an iOS update. I suspect it's a lack of servers in both cases which is why I'm turned off by all these next Xbox rumours, it's not that I dislike the concept of always online, I just lack the confidence in Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo/Apple/Google to deliver a reliable service.
                            Last edited by Pikate; 26-04-2013, 10:30.


                              I'm on a wired connection. T'is D/Ling at the speed of light.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?


                                Virtual Console launches tomorrow (Sat) by all accounts:

                                I won't be getting involved at those prices. Sorry but ?5.50 for a SNES game and and ?3.50 for a NES game is bloody stupid.

