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Wii U - thread 3

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    Does anybody know know if third party wii lan adaptors work on wii u or is it just the official one?


      Should do, they're exact copies of the official ones from what I've seen.
      Kept you waiting, huh?


        Cheers Joe there's a few postings on the net that the lan adaptor is slower than wifi?


          That would depend on the speed of your provider non? Seems a bit odd though. I have to have a wired connection, so that I can use the MH3U Packet Relay Tool.
          Kept you waiting, huh?


            My tv needs adapters for scart and component so I can't plug my wii in. Just the excuse I need to get a wiiu


              Originally posted by BIG EDD View Post
              Does anybody know know if third party wii lan adaptors work on wii u or is it just the official one?
              I bought a third party one off Amazon .. It works ...

              Originally posted by BIG EDD View Post
              Cheers Joe there's a few postings on the net that the lan adaptor is slower than wifi?
              But downloads are bloody slow, but then that's always been the case with the WiiU.


                It is a strange one with the wii u wifi speed I've got bt infinity and all my consoles are really fast over wifi including vita and 3ds but the wii u sheesh


                  The update speeds up that loading transition, also enables sleep mode allowing the console to download items when the console is on standby. Also a few more bits and pieces but the quicker loading and standby are the main changes (I'm on my phone so can't link to full list sorry!)

                  Haha oops, I didn't see all the new page of posts!

                  As for wi if speed, download tool me just under a hour
                  Last edited by Adam Stone; 26-04-2013, 12:35.
                  ----Member since April 2002



                    Nintendo boss: We didn't try hard enough to educate users about Wii U

                    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata blamed the delay of some Wii U games and loss of momentum, and the company did not do a good job of explaining the console to consumers. In a briefing for investors, Iwata admitted the company has struggled with defining the product. "We have not been able to solidly communicate the product value of Wii U to our consumers yet, which has been a grand challenge for us," he said. "Some have the misunderstanding that Wii U is just Wii with a pad for games, and others even consider Wii U GamePad as a peripheral device connectable to Wii. We feel deeply responsible for not having tried hard enough to have consumers understand the product."

                    Iwata also said that the intervals between first-party games has been "so much longer than we expected" in its January briefing. "Wii U has lost momentum due to the release pace of first-party titles which has not lived up to consumers' expectations," Iwata stated. "Starting with Pikmin 3 scheduled for release in the upcoming July, however, we will intensively launch our key titles to give sales momentum to the platform.

                    As a decisive factor in buying a console is that you cannot play a much-anticipated title without the hardware, we will do our best to have you feel from this summer to the end of this year that there are plenty of great games for Wii U."
                    Just last night, Nintendo announced that it will forgo a large press conference this year at E3, instead opting for a smaller event that aims to give press quicker access to trying the newly-announced software.
                    In an investor briefing, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata explains why the Wii U lost momentum in the marketplace, and how the company has struggled to explain it to consumers.

                    Nice to see some honesty. Though I think an idiot could have come up with a better name, like, er... I don't know, Wii 2?


                      Super wii!!

                      I honestly cannot even imagine the thought process behind "Wii U" - I do love Nintendo and I love my wii u - but sometimes they do worry me
                      ----Member since April 2002



                        I fail to understand how they didn't see it coming.


                          Don't call it wii at all. Should have had a completely different name imo


                            We've had:

                            Nintendo Entertainment System (NES )

                            Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES )

                            NIntendo 64 (64)

                            Nintendo Gamecube (Gamecube)

                            Wii (Wii)

                            Wii U (Wii U)

                            Nintendo were obviously trying to maintain the brand name 'Wii', hence the use of the same Wii remotes etc. They thought the 'Wii' was a household name, and people would have simply wanted the next update. I imagine Nintendo didnt see the Wii U as something entirely new, like the previous next set of consoles, but rather the Wii U was an evolution of an already very well established name.

                            Unfortantely that mindframe totally backfired.
                            ----Member since April 2002



                              Jesus! That was a painful update. The system update failed 3 times and then the GamePad update failed twice.

                              I am truly shocked at how bad Nintendo seem to be at these sort of things. It makes the PS3 updates look like nothing.


                                ...Do you think it was something to do with your connection though? For instance, the update went smoothly for me - taking just under a hour. To blame Nintendo for that seems odd! We shouldn't be so quick to hate
                                ----Member since April 2002


