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Monster Hunter Tri - Weds Static

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    Yeah definitely, but it was the first time we'd seem him let alone fight him. I did get the hang of it towards the end. We made another run after you left and beat him with close to 10 mins to spare

    I can't believe you were standing on the deck with no health though
    Last edited by Riskbreaker; 07-05-2010, 14:12.


      haha I know! I'd rinsed all my potions already as I was losing it all over the place! I'm also sick of typing with the controller as it's so damn slow. I've got a usb keyboard plugged in through a ps/2 adaptor but it doesn't work annoyingly. My wii speak sits there unused as noone else seems to have one


        Setup a shortcut, "I'm out of potions. Help me!"


          I'm going to try and rank up a bit today methinks so I can actually join you guys on some hunts, seeing that HR2 is starting to get annoying


            When you going to be on Orgun and i'll join you?


              I'm on right now


                Thanks for the groupage MisterBubbles, that was my first time doing 4 player online Gained two HR levels and plenty of Ludroth claws Will have to make myself some new armor this evening after F1.


                  Your welcome, its a co-op game after all, just makes it so easier, when you back on Orgun?


                    Just in case anyone is interested, Nintendo launched Encyclopedia Trigantica recently - a knowledge sharing website about Tri.


                      guys anyone want to team up tonight im only hr 15 i need help on that event quest with the giant monster on the ship


                        There's nothing wrong with HR 15 at all mate, I'm only 20 and I've ploughed hours into it May be on really late tonight, will definitely be on at various times tomorrow. More than happy to team up as I want to hit that Jhen quest as much as I can.

                        Sorry I only joined for one quest last night buddah, was pretty tired and Barroth is pretty tedious at the best of times


                          Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
                          Your welcome, its a co-op game after all, just makes it so easier, when you back on Orgun?
                          Will probably be online again just after 2pm mate.


                            Originally posted by Riskbreaker View Post
                            Setup a shortcut, "I'm out of potions. Help me!"
                            If we gave potions to everyone who needed them I'd never have any. Dodge people!

                            I should be online in a bit if any ntsc players are about.


                              There was a time when it was me and one other guy taking on a lagriacrus. He says he's out potions, and naturally being the decent guy that I am I give him 4 x small potions and 2 x herbs (as I'm naturally stocked with 10 x potions/ mega potions and 10 x herbs/ 10 x blue mushrooms and 10 x honey in every quest)

                              Then the guy proceeds to just hang back for seemingly 5 minutes (whilst there's around 10 minutes left of the quest) I was so tempted to just ask for them back, since he's not going to get hit from all the way back there. And you know, since I was doing most of the attacking, I kinda needed them.

                              Shame I had a had a face full of sea serpent (ignore the euthamism there) so I was a little busy.

                              I might be on later, but I've gotta be somewhere during the evening and won't be back til late. If I do pop on, it won't be until 1:00am thereabouts


                                wont be on tonight as i'm having some drinks in the 'real world' (whatever that is) but will be on tomorrow quite early i reckon.

                                You're right about barroth, he is an arse and i would like to hammer the jhen quest for the rewards whilst it's up. Need me some more armour to go with my sexy new great sword!

