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Star Wars Episode 7

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    Originally posted by bash View Post
    HEY FISHBOWL! That's not fair, I never said Hans hair is an inch too long. He does however have 5.4 too many wrinkles for my liking
    I had to laugh you cheeky scaly you.

    Also, to be fair you actually made a positive comment in the batman vs superman thread so will let you off today. Though it did make me question reality and the current state of the universe when I saw it
    Last edited by fishbowlhead; 17-04-2015, 13:15.


      Originally posted by bash View Post
      HEY FISHBOWL! That's not fair, I never said Hans hair is an inch too long. He does however have 5.4 too many wrinkles for my liking

      Anyway you positive gits, I'm allowed to be jaded . . . at 34 years of age I've seen more flops then hits when it comes to sequelling/revisiting my fave movies and for a lot of my generation and older The Prequel Trilogy in particular is our Vietnam and Lucas our Nixon. From Star Wars, to Matrix, Predator, Aliens, Terminator, Ghostbusters, Rocky, RoboCop, Indiana Jones, Transformers, LOTR, TMNT . . . . I don't need to go on coz you muddah chukkas know exactly what im talking about. We've been scarred to almost beyond repair, ALMOST! Its only the very rare exceptions that revives the faith in humanity like the Dark Knight trilogy or Godzilla 2014.
      The bb8 unit being an actual robot has to count for something right? Look how cute he is .


        Originally posted by bash View Post
        HEY FISHBOWL! That's not fair, I never said Hans hair is an inch too long. He does however have 5.4 too many wrinkles for my liking

        Anyway you positive gits, I'm allowed to be jaded . . . at 34 years of age I've seen more flops then hits when it comes to sequelling/revisiting my fave movies and for a lot of my generation and older The Prequel Trilogy in particular is our Vietnam and Lucas our Nixon. From Star Wars, to Matrix, Predator, Aliens, Terminator, Ghostbusters, Rocky, RoboCop, Indiana Jones, Transformers, LOTR, TMNT . . . . I don't need to go on coz you muddah chukkas know exactly what im talking about. We've been scarred to almost beyond repair, ALMOST! Its only the very rare exceptions that revives the faith in humanity like the Dark Knight trilogy or Godzilla 2014.
        Most of those movies looked like crap already based on the trailers, however. On the other hand, I'm easily pleased. I liked the TMNT movie and really enjoyed the first Transformers movie but I wouldn't categorize them as great, just really entertaining and fun. I don't know how LotR belongs on that list, however? Then again, I'm not scarred, it really is only entertainment and shouldn't be taken seriously anyway.

        Also, to be fair, this new movie looks nothing like the prequel trilogy so if it's destined to be bad, it will be a different kind of bad.

        Originally posted by The Moleman View Post
        Was I the only person who read that Abrams was going to use real sets/miniatures/in camera effects and less CGI? only for him to release a CGI heavy trailer, you could tell that every single stormtrooper that turned around under the 'new empire' banner was CGI...
        Well that's only ONE scene. Considering that the prequels were pretty much only CGI, these new movies are emphasizing real set pieces which is quite evident. That robot is real, for example and so is the hangar scene. Of course that doesn't eliminate the need for CGI in post production. That's just the current state of the industry and that's a GOOD thing.

        Still too early to get excited though.
        I've been pissing my pants since the first teaser and was expecting this new one for a few days before its release.
        Last edited by danholo; 17-04-2015, 13:55.


          Originally posted by The Moleman View Post
          Was I the only person who read that Abrams was going to use real sets/miniatures/in camera effects and less CGI?
          Did you see this bit?

          That already looks waaaaaay more like a real place/studio than any of the prequels.

          I think he just meant that they were going to go against the whole "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" vibe, where every set, backdrop, even extras etc. are all seperate elements/CGI and composited at the end. It really affects stuff in the prequels, where many of the locations don't look real because they aren't real.

          I don't mind full-frame CGI, but I hate it when you watch a movie where it seems the whole thing has been shot against a blue screen.


            Matthew McConaughey watches the Star Wars trailer...


              My hopes just keep building and building where this is concerned, please god let it match my expectations.


                Have never watched a trailer so much as this one. I cannot contain my excitement for this. I have been waiting so long for any possibly sequel to ROTJ. My hopes are obviously exceedingly high but so far it has every box ticked, Skywalker/Solo, X-Wings/Y-Wings and Tie Fighters, Millennium Falcon and Star Destroyers and it looks bloody amazing.

                In addition i think Harrison Ford looks bloody fantastic as Han Solo again. Obviously he looks old, but still looks really good and most important for me is that still SOUNDS like Solo, quite amazing after 30 years since last playing the part. I know it was only a couple of words but still. For me the whole trailer was just WOW


                  If it's a follow on from Jedi then there are going to be lots the same

                  The storm troopers including imperial storm troopers & tie fighter pilots are different

                  But what makes the trailer for me is the super star destroyer crashed in the desert in what I guess as tattoine - fantastic stuff

                  Is this film about leia and Luke or is it about her twins

                  Not up with Star Wars information but remember someone saying leia has twin children
                  Last edited by buster_broon; 17-04-2015, 18:39.


                    It's about the girl she had with Han and the boy she had with Lando.


                      Look, I know I'm not going to like it, but I know that I will be in the cinema on opening day and will be disappointed. But I cannot help myself - HYPE-rdrive engaged!


                        If you're worried about being let down by the movie, just remind yourself that it's from the director of Star Trek Into Darkness. That should help keep expectations nice and low.


                          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                          It's about the girl she had with Han and the boy she had with Lando.

                          Thank you very much, just spat a chewed up mouthful of cadburys chocolate and sweet popcorn all over my laptop


                            Do you not like ST:ID, Dogg?


                              No. It made almost no sense, the scenes that were designed to have impact didn't and had too many callbacks to older Trek which only served to remind me of when Trek wasn't so dumb. It just moved so fast in the hopes that I wouldn't notice. I did. Which is a shame as I enjoyed his previous one.


                                That's pretty much how I felt to be honest. I was looking forward to it because it reviewed well, and I like Cumberbatch as an actor. The whole event was a really poor man's Wrath of Khan, with far less subtlety, tension, pathos and excitement.

