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The Relationship Thread-Good, Bad or Indifferent.

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    I don't. I'm already kinda burning out on games currently, this year will be sorting out my life somewhat. Learning to drive / getting a full time job. I've basically been a stupid kid since leaving college and nothing good has come of it.


      Gaming takes much but gives little back. If you throw that kind of money at a woman you'll at least get some sex out of it, if not the occasional dinner.


        In fairness any hobby/interest that you follow with as much dedication that many of us do will lead to a clear negative impact on things such as lady friends. Unless you're lucky, like me, to have met your missus at school any kind of hobby will eat into time spent searching for women.


          Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
          Well, I dunno, generally accepted amongst general people I guess.

          It's something I'd considered but I dunno.
          Why would it matter what the general public thinks? General public is mainly made up of morons.

          Isn't this the Facebook age where everyone has to be online constantly? Personally, I'd say there's a better chance of meeting someone similar to you, who likes the same things etc. online than picking up random chicks at the bar totally wasted.


            Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
            I don't. I'm already kinda burning out on games currently, this year will be sorting out my life somewhat. Learning to drive / getting a full time job. I've basically been a stupid kid since leaving college and nothing good has come of it.

            Yeah it was a no go boys sorry for the late reply i'm pretty gutted but yeah gotta move on

            My mate I think he used one of the free sites told me online dating is like a full time job for men unless you are ****ing money and ejaculate chocolate . The problem is that women on online dating get absolutely bombarded with 100s of messages even a very average looking women think she is god's gift to men.Im sure there you might find someone but like he said it will be a lot of work to weed through all the time waster and stuff I think Imight still sign up anyway everything worth a go once.

            I'm kind of in the same boat really gaming has probably been had a negative impact on my life if i was to be fair I have lost 99% of my interest for it for it in the last 6 months my mind can not focus when i'm playing most games the only games I can play are things where I need to be 100% focused on it pretty much of late just be playing virtua fighter 5 final showdown and some shmups most other things my mind just races and I can't focus on it .but of late I can't even be arsed to play them I got anarchy reigns in the post since last saturday still sealed up I just have no drive to play it.

            I've hopefully going to get my life on track this year as i've totally wasted my life so far i'm about 23 and a half and am going to be starting an open university course in february i'm not 100% sure if it will be for me But since i left school at 16 there not really many options for me there is the access to high education so you could apply to university but that would take a year and I don't feel like I have that much more time to waste and I'm kind of thinking that most other university will accept me if I could show i could get the 120 credits in the first year but I just don't really know what to do at the moment
            Last edited by S_rank; 03-01-2013, 18:09.


              Sorry to hear that S_Rank, the old options are the best join a club and find a hobby which you enjoy and there's also loads of women going to, im not sure what you like, a good luck.


                I've kind of got stuck in a rut my depression has not helped me to be truthful most of my old school friends from school have kind of moved on from my hometown most people i work with are about 20 to 30 years older than me It hard to meet new friends other people for me at the moment i've been thinking of joining for some other activities but not really sure where to start .


                  ^Mature women? I think they're AWESOME.


                    Bad luck s_rank. I've had some success from free online dating websites (POF and OkCupid) however it took a lot of work and the response rate is usually very low for your average bloke (certainly was for me). In other words they're worth a try but you should keep your options open and not pin your hopes on them.
                    Last edited by NW2013; 04-01-2013, 17:53.


                      Yeah, dating sites are very much a waste of time for those of us who are below average attractiveness. Yet still we try...

                      Story time.

                      So...There are some aware of the following but here it is for the rest.

                      Detailed much further back in the thread (MUCH further back), I gave up drinking after an awfully good friend, whose boyfriend was undergoing treatment for testicular cancer, jumped me in the back of another friend's car. Granted, making out with her is the only action I've had in over 2 years, but I was completely wracked with guilt. AFAIK she doesn't remember that night.

                      Skip ahead to New Year's Day this year. I see her boyfriend (100% cancer free for over a year FYI) at work just before taking a skiing trip with his father. He looked terrible. Later that day I got a reply to my New Year's message to my friend (his gf). They had been talking for the last few weeks about how she didn't think she still loved him.

                      So now I'm more than a little...confused is not the word I'm looking for, but will do for the moment. We have an attraction that we've kind of admitted before, but then her bf got ill and I was not about to try anything. Now she may end up single soon and I can't help shake a particular feeling...So from observation and experience, women don't leave a sure thing unless they have the next one lined up. Liberating and depressing at the same time, she probably has a guy at work in mind.

                      Now while I hate that idea, at the same time I know deep down that me and her wouldn't work. Not to put too fine a point on it, she is quite proud of her Jewish heritage and I'm sure as hell not going to convert to ANY religion for ANYONE, and think it would be unacceptable to ask anyone to do so. I'm sure as hell not getting circumcised and will never let any son of mine be (unless there is a medical reason for it).

                      So I am in a strange place right now. I feel guilty for wanting her so badly, and yet know only too well how her bf feels at the moment. I don't want them to break up as they always seemed great together, but apparently aren't. I love her, it's true, but at the same time I know there are things we would never agree on and that would probably cause a huge rift. She is my best friend, and we work on so many levels it really is quite ridiculous. I will never find anyone like her but I know we can't be together. She's a perfect match. She even loves videogames.

                      Yes I am crying slightly here. Thanks for listening guys.

                      Advice: get over it and find someone else - yes, I'm working on this too, having a friend set me up with a smart, hot girl her knows.


                        Gah, made a BIG mistake last night. Everything's all been going totally awesomely bar one slight stoned glitch last week where I chatted with her on the phone and eventually said I wanted to suck her teats (that was soon forgotten). Got majorly high last night,she rung me and I went a little full-on with the Pep? Le Pew chat (****, I'm SO full-on when I'm high!) and she seems to be ignoring me, I get this vague sense, that gut instinct, that vibe, y'all know whud I'm talkin' 'bout.

                        I'm not too down because I'm not even sure I want to get into another deep relationship after my last one, which was very turbulent. Yeah, will wait and see what happens. She's only 21, anyway, and very different to me in terms of life experience, I couldn't see us really lasting THAT long, anyway, I need deep conversation.

                        HAVE sent her an ace text basically explaining the above. I amaze myself how cool I can be sometimes, I wish I had it on tap. Anyhoo, ball, court, you know the rest...
                        Last edited by JazzFunk; 05-01-2013, 07:11.


                          ^What an eejit, I overanalyse far too much. F*ckin' hell, she just called me, I seem to have a royal flush!


                            Not to put too fine a point on it, she is quite proud of her Jewish heritage and I'm sure as hell not going to convert to ANY religion for ANYONE, and think it would be unacceptable to ask anyone to do so. I'm sure as hell not getting circumcised and will never let any son of mine be (unless there is a medical reason for it).
                            Well, I think you answered your own question, if this girl has some sort of wacky genital body modification fetish then I think that writes her off right there!

                            That, or tell her "you first"!

                            She even loves videogames.
                            So do lots of girls now. It sounds to me like the negatives far outweigh the positives.

                            Glad your friend's cancer is gone, BTW. That's the main thing!


                              Steven hope i don't sound too harsh, but forget about this girl, if you can't be together your wasting time and energy on something that can never be, and probably missed a few women cause your so loved up with the special one.


                                I you love someone that doesn't love you then breaking all contact is normally the best thing to do.

