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The Relationship Thread-Good, Bad or Indifferent.

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    So I've got a crush at this girl from work (the one I sent the messages to at the Christmas party). I was about to let it go when she didn't reply to my messages. But a week ago we worked pretty closely for a couple of days, and during that time we got to talk a bit. Recently she's been "liking" most of my Facebook activity. I posted a joke in an event for new years, which didn't show up on my wall, so she had to dig a bit to see and like it. And I liked another guys post yesterday, afterwards she did the same (nobody else has). And outside those likes, she hasn't really liked much else on Facebook. I know how lame this sound, and I'm probably overanalysing this completely, but I can't help wonder if she's actually interested. The smart thing would probably be to just ask her if she wants to get together sometime, but I'm still feeling a bit wing-clipped after my last messages.


      @ Kryss, i would steer well clear of her as far as dating is concerned. Serial daters are always serial daters and if she's lining up other blokes while still technically with her current she'll do the same thing to you if she finds anything in the relationship to pick at. That goes for blokes too just so im not sounding sexist on that point .

      @ Alex WS. Just ask her out, what have you got to loose? so she doesn't talk to you again if she's says no, big deal her loss. Plus you'd be surprised how effective a "hey fancy going out for a drink sometime?" is to someones face, rather than f***ing about with facebook and messaging.
      Last edited by fishbowlhead; 05-01-2013, 14:31.


        Yeah, I was thinking about asking her out over Facebook, but that's dumb then? Much easier than doing it at work.


          That's ****ing stupid. Just ask in person.


            Yeah, **** that.


              Also people "like" things when they don't really care/can't be bothered to reply.

              Think nothing of it.


                Naw, it's a sure sign saying I should propose.


                  Thanks guys. "Serial daters" are the bane of my existence. It's finding single women that I find hard to do. Or they're a good few years younger than me...which I have no problem with in theory, but we would be at very different stages of our lives and so it just wouldn't work in the long term.

                  I over think everything, best to stick to gaming until the right one comes along.

                  Alex: stick it in her p**per.


                    To be fair, I asked a girl out by Facebook... we're now married. Then again, I barely had the balls to do that


                      I'm so irresistible to women that I turned up on my first date with my wife covered in oil, slick back hair and grease all over my clothes.

                      Bitch knew it was good ****.


                        You took your wife covered in oil to your first date? Polygamy, much?


                          No I was going to cancel but a mate forced me not too. I picked her up and went home to shower first.


                            That's pretty forward for a first date I have to admit.


                              We didn't shower together.


                                How about after?

