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Amy Winehouse RIP xxxx

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    Originally posted by Flabio View Post
    A pertinent quote from another forum:
    This is what I was thinking too. Smurf - what are you trying to prove by posting pictures/videos of her being wasted? Comes across in very poor taste.


      Probably to show how she reveled in her dumb ass lifestyle. Seeing how famous and iconic she was, I think society might be better off without her going around parading the glorious life with drugs.

      See kids? Drugs ain't the answer.


        Hmmm... she died on the evening of my birthday.


          Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
          Probably to show how she reveled in her dumb ass lifestyle. Seeing how famous and iconic she was, I think society might be better off without her going around parading the glorious life with drugs.

          See kids? Drugs ain't the answer.
          Spot on imo.


            Let's just hope you people never have to deal with a family member who's become addicted to drugs. I don't think your "it's your own fault, go **** yourself" attitude would be much help to them.

            I can't believe a group of mature adults can be so narrow-minded and ill-educated about the effects of drugs on a person.


              There's going to be some orange on orange violence in here soon.


                Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
                There's going to be some orange on orange violence in here soon.
                There must be some kind of Troubles-based gag in there somewhere.


                  She was a spoilt boho wreckhead who pissed her life and talent away. She had far more opportunity than most to get help, but lets face it she pimped drug culture to keep herself in the public eye years after any performances of worth just like Jordan pimps skank culture to stay in the papers.

                  I do feel sorry for her and her familly, but grief? Srsly...


                    Firstly I think her death is a tragedy, she was a true talent who sang honestly and from the heart and I'm sad to see her problems defeat her. I hope she's at peace and in a better place.

                    That some are questioning which is the sadder event, her death or the Norwegian massacre, I find quite bizarre. They're both horrible affairs but for completely different reasons.

                    Originally posted by Spatial View Post
                    What pisses me off no end is when I see people going "LOL DRUGS ARE COOL MAAAAAAAN" on the Interweb and in real life and trying to make out that hardcore drugs are somehow acceptable and you're in the wrong if you think otherwise. Yet this is ultimately what it does to people - ruins lives and devastates the people left behind.
                    Is your opinion based on personal contact and intimate knowledge or heresay? In my experience whether drugs lead to degredation depends on the drug being used and the attitude with which one takes them. Yes, they can destroy lives, but it certainly isn’t an inevitability. In this study 94% of the people who took the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin said the experiment was one of the most meaningful experiences of their lives, 39% said it was the single most meaningful experience, and many claimed to still feel the benefits over a year later.

                    Of course, drugs, directly and indirectly, lead to suffering on a grand scale but they also inspire some of the most incredible creativity in music, literature, poetry and painting – and therefore joy - the world has seen; they are resposible for seeing healthy minds with bright futures end up as tortured souls in mental asylums or out on the streets but also responsible for genius insights, discoveries and technological inventions.

                    The majority of people I know use drugs (I don’t say this with pride, or shame, I say it matter of factly), hard and soft, from poor artists and poets to successful businessmen in lofty positions, and most of them lead what I consider healthy, regular, functioning lives. It’s drug addiction that destroys people. But not every drug user is an addict. Many can take a drug, have a good (often bad) time, repeat the experience quite regularly, and not become prisoner to it.

                    Are drugs cool, are they uncool, accept them, reject them, let a person choose what they will but I think it’s important that opinion and choices, if not based on experience, are at the very least educated and based on unpainted facts. As Timothy Leary famously put it “drugs cause paranoia, confusion, and total loss of reality in those who have never taken them”. Amen.


                      Originally posted by Jusatsushi View Post
                      She was a spoilt boho wreckhead who pissed her life and talent away. She had far more opportunity than most to get help, but lets face it she pimped drug culture to keep herself in the public eye years after any performances of worth just like Jordan pimps skank culture to stay in the papers.
                      See, that's the kind of comment that it's easy to make from the outside. Kicking an addiction isn't as simple as all that though and you don't really know how far she went to try and recover, all you know about her is the pictures in The Sun of her looking out of it, the press representation is probably not representative of her life as a whole, it's just the picture they want to paint of her. Which I can't imagine would help someone in her position.

                      To accuse someone that's addicted to drugs of pimping drugs culture is ridiculous, unless you knew her personally and can verify this. She was ill and she continued to take drugs because that's what her addiction made her do.
                      Last edited by toythatkills; 24-07-2011, 17:08.


                        Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                        Probably to show how she reveled in her dumb ass lifestyle. Seeing how famous and iconic she was, I think society might be better off without her going around parading the glorious life with drugs.

                        See kids? Drugs ain't the answer.
                        The answer to what exactly? Most people aren't twats so they don't die from them. But yeah, heroin is pretty bad, I've got no respect for anyone hooked on that ****.


                          Originally posted by toythatkills View Post

                          See, that's the kind of comment that it's easy to make from the outside. Kicking an addiction isn't as simple as all that though and you don't really know how far she went to try and recover, all you know about her is the pictures in The Sun of her looking out of it, the press representation is probably not representative of her life as a whole, it's just the picture they want to paint of her. Which I can't imagine would help someone in her position.

                          To accuse someone that's addicted to drugs of pimping drugs culture is ridiculous, unless you knew her personally and can verify this. She was ill and she continued to take drugs because that's what her addiction made her do.
                          Hey I'm entitled to my opinion. It's all part of my grieving process. I've been around drugs and drug addiction all my life thanks to my awesome mother who is now thankfully clean and hopefully for good. You know what she did though? She fought it. She moved the **** away from London and holed up in the country. You don't battle drugs from a flat in Camden, you drown in them.


                            You can have an opinion on her, but you can't accuse her of not trying to fight it without knowing that she wasn't trying to fight it, and nobody but those close to her know that because all we've seen is reports of her life in the newspaper, and we know how reliable they are.


                              I've not known anyone with a true addiction but I have known someone destroy their life through cannabis induced psychosis (very gentle guy, had to be held down by 4 police officers when it happened).

                              We'll not know for a long time how hard she fought the addiction in private, the people who knew her best wouldn't want to portray her in a bad light.

                              The thing that perhaps makes her different from most celebrities with drug issues is that hers were very public, very obvious and she'd had interventions and second chances that most wouldn't have. Although her death now serves as a warning, at some points, she was sending out horrible messages that could've easily influenced people needing treatment. These quote from the Indenpendent in 2006 sums it up:

                              Amy Winehouse, 23, the singer-songwriter, recently spoke about her " addictive personality" and brief time in rehab. Amy, who this year admitted drinking too much, said she refuses to take medication, even though clinically diagnosed as a manic depressive. Of her visit to rehab, she said: "The fella in charge said: 'Why are you here?', and I said: 'Well, I think I've come here because I'm drinking a lot. But I'm in love and the drinking is symptomatic of my depression. I'm not an alcoholic.'" She left.
                              It possibly didn't go down exactly like she said but who ever it was that said that to her... I hope he isn't still "helping" people.


                                Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                                Let's just hope you people never have to deal with a family member who's become addicted to drugs. I don't think your "it's your own fault, go **** yourself" attitude would be much help to them.

                                I can't believe a group of mature adults can be so narrow-minded and ill-educated about the effects of drugs on a person.
                                Been dealing with the fallout on a daily basis from a very destructive drunk for the last 8 years just so you know. It's easy to be a push-over but that doesn't help these people, all that does is make you an enabler to continue their cycle. There's only so much people can take, only so much pain you can cause them before they've had enough. I would do everything in my power to help a family member but if they don't want the help at some point you have to think of yourself and turn your back on them.

