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Perfect Dark Zero

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    Hi there. No Live at Uni then?

    Dark Ops plays quite a bit like Counter Strike. It has a variety of modes, and is a lot more tactical that the normal deathmatch modes. There are 4 modes in Dark Ops:

    Eradication - Team death match with one life per round. Money is used to buy starting weapons.

    Onslaught - Attack/Defend in which the attackers have unlimited lives, but only pistols. Defenders can buy other weapons but only have one life. The round ends if at least one defender lasts for a certain time, or if all the defenders are killed.

    Infection - One guy starts as the infected one, everyone he kills also gets infected. The non-infected can buy starting weapons, the infected start with pistols (but there soon becomes lots of weapons lying on the floor)

    I've not played the other mode yet. I think it is called Sabotage, and my guess is that it is like Assault.
    Last edited by Soi; 05-12-2005, 12:37.


      Dark Ops is kinda counter strike style game types. 2 teams. massive levels. Buying guns. Its pretty cool.

      You can play it in several modes.

      I've had a few really good co-op games in this too. There is alot to keep me occupied


        Parts of the game seem incredibly unfinished which is a shame as some levels have blatantly had more time spent on them.

        8/10 so far from me. Perfect Agent may boost it to a 9.


          Cheers Soi. Sounds pretty good. No live at Uni, only one week to go though! Fancy some co-op when i'm back?

          How do you get money though in the game to buy stuff?

          Cheers again for impressions.


            finished the game on SA pretty good with some proper let down moments, not really keen on the live mode, bah looks like i'm done with it already... to the trade forum


              Pretty much echoing what some have said, starts slow but the game grows on you. I'm only on the 4th level so far with secret agent (im trying not to get too far in as I dont get a memory unit till tomorow to actually save my progress). Gameplay in 1 player seems good and loving the mission based objectives that made the orignal and goldeneye classics. Although most seems to rave over Halo i'd choose PDZ over Halo any day...

              I hope the team at Rare are thinking are thinking of another Perfect Dark in the not too distant future!! Say 2 years? I don't want to wait 5 and 1/2 again!


                I'm really looking forward to praticing levels and getting those achievements unlocked. Some of the levels are hard enough on secret agent, I dread to think what what Dark agent is like.
                Me and soi were playing mission 12 ,

                the arabian nights one and we were constantly shocked by jonathan's stupidity and gung ho attitude towards stealth.
                He is a big idiot

                I wonder if he is even has even more kamikaze style on Dark agent.

                Also getting to play as the merciless ming in co-op is awesome.


                  I played some multiplayer last night, and unfortunately it is quite flawed. I know the two don't like to be compaired, but Halo2 is by far the better designed game.

                  Most of the maps in PDZ just do not work in the majority of modes. We played Onslaught last night - one team has access to every weapon but one life each, other has access to one weapon but has infinite lives - on the Desert and Old Town maps it worked a treat, but on Urban it was completely broken. Just one entry point into a base, which is a small corridor leading up some stairs. Impossible!

                  Also the weapons are not partiuclarly well balanced - the Laptop gun completely dominates every mode, and often the winner will be the person who found the best place to put it.

                  Finally - I still can't hit ****. I don't understand why either, I'm usually alright at FPS'


                    Halo 2 ftw !!

                    I was hoping this would be the logical 360 FPS'er. Out of all the launch titles this was one game that did catch my eye. But I respect PeteJ's comments. I Always thought Halo2 Multiplayer would be difficult to beat at launch. Hopefully in a few months a decent online FPS will emerge.

                    I hear the Co-op is great thought ?


                      Yeah coop is good fun and well implimented.

                      I'm not giving up on multiplay, there must be something I'm the Aim Here button, or something.

                      I always go for the headshot but end up shooting at their feet, don't know why.


                        you were the same on Halo 2


                          The online is rubbish. Very poor. Not only do the graphics look like turd (its like its a different game to the single player), but it's really unbalanced.

                          Also, in domination, you have this really REALLY annoying announcer (think of someone impersonating the Halo annoucer) that says "position held!" every.... oh... 4 seconds??? It basically amounts to him saying "Nothing happened!!!" in a really annoying voice. I mean - fair enough if the position was taken or whatnot, but position held???! Seems a bit of a non-event if you ask me.

                          Which kinda sums the entire game really.


                            Really enjoying the single player, although I've not progressed that far as yet, as I seem to burn an excessive amount of time dosing around in the dash and on live arcade titles atm. Also enjoyed co-op for the one mission I played, but sounds like I will be losing me co-op buddy shortly, as the game is not for him, so will be looking to recruit someone to get all those dark agent co-op achievements with.

                            Have not played to much multi, but what I have played I've not really enjoyed. It's far more traditional deathmatch stuff than halo stuff, and I have to say I far prefer the later. If you throw bots into the mix in multi it is just pure beadlam if you ask me, and the only kills I seem to be able to get are either melee kills or explosive kills, as everyone moves to fast for me to get a good aim with an actual gun ! Oh and bots with laptop guns is just insane, they seem to be able to mount them in every room, and you just get shredded as soon as you spawn.

                            Gotta agree on the announcer as well, with his butchered Halo 2 sayings "killbolackulartacular" or what ever he says, very annoying ! Back to Halo 2 for my FPS action I feel, but in 720p


                              Haven't tried LIVE yet, what shame if it really isn't much good. But I'm enjoying the single player.

                              But, I wish PDZ stuck more to the N64 versions (PD and GoldenEye). I mean it does feel a bit like Perfect Dark on the N64, but I'd say only about 65%. I would of been happy if they just improved the graphics and framerate, possibly AI and add a few new animations, and just leave the rest exactly the same, obviously with new levels etc.

                              It does feel a little bit like they've broken something slightly that didn't need fixing.

                              Saying that I'm liking the game for what it is.


                                I bought this game with my console but it has since gone back to the shop for many reason, well it really is terrible. But i'm not going to dwell on why it's so bad and troll up this thread with my negative opinions. If you guys love it then so be it.

                                I agree with what people have said about the multiplayer, it really is an abomination. The few games i play featured Yankydoodledandys shooting at each other through walls, it's Glitchy and unblanced. Players are bullet spunges and it's so hard to aim properly.

                                Load of Rubbish.

                                But COD2 has a GREAT MP. REALLY great. A lot like Counter Strike and you dudes should check it out. Unfortunitly it's just got "MatchMaking" Games and no Lobbies for your freinds which totally destroys the social side.

