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Motorstorm (Full version)

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    It would be good to know if the makers of this game are adding anything other than just online play to the US and Pal versions.

    Like Dave Heats says most people will see the game and buy it just for the graphics, and to be honest i would do exactly that, but it would be nice to hear that the makers are adding more features and another layer of polish to the game before it gets released.


      Dave, get back onto RR7 mate. I'm almost done with the 1-up game. We'll have some online action to calm you down.

      I am buying Railfan over Motorstorm.
      Kept you waiting, huh?


        In fact, i ****ing resent the makers of this game for bringing it into my life. Thats how much i hate this cuntish pile of wank.

        So you didnt like it then dave??

        You could of saved yourself ?30 and just played the demo, its got about the same amount of options by the sounds of it.


          i'd say the game is worth buying, if you've read the whole of this first play thread, and are still interested.

          the game is simple (i.e options, menu layout, gameplay, etc..), and it feels unfinished, but its damn fun.

          it reminds me of the old f-zero snes days, replaying the same basic levels (without the amazing soundtrack), but a whole lot of fun to do so!

          it will be collecting dust soon though, cause railfan has just arrived in the post!
          Last edited by canuhavebabies; 04-01-2007, 17:10.


            personally i think its a great game.......if played occasionally. Its very arcadey & and in some of the races, its very hard to come 1st (even fairly on in the game); the graphics are amazing and the game physics are stunning. Just dont expect loads of options. It reminds me abit of the Dreamcast game 'Buggy Heat'. Thats good in my book.


              Originally posted by 1P_King View Post
              It would be good to know if the makers of this game are adding anything other than just online play to the US and Pal versions.
              Downloadable content will be available in addition to the online mode. No details about the content have been released though.


                After playing the demo it seems very unfinished, not sure how reflective of the full game that is but it may be fairly representative going from the words of dave heats.

                The visuals look better in game than when selecting the car/bike, there doesn't seem to be any terrain deformation (another load of **** from the developers), nor does there seem to be any consistency in the physics (I've ran into a pole before, went to reverse and was respawned on the track instead). I also went through a big billboard, but tried going through what looks like a plastic/wire fence and stopped as if hitting a massive brick wall. Great!

                Also, the Mario Kart-syndrome is pathetic too, first to last in no time after running a great race, all the racers group together throughout the whole race, it's just half-finished, put simply.


                  Also, the Mario Kart-syndrome is pathetic too, first to last in no time after running a great race, all the racers group together throughout the whole race, it's just half-finished, put simply.[/QUOTE]

                  i wouldnt say the actual 'racing' is half finished in the main game, far from it. However i agree that the available options, game mode and presentation are a bit ****.


                    I can't judge the main game, but the ease of falling off the tracks and how specifically you have to know and stick to the turns of the tracks are silly - I thought you could race how you like, not down very specific paths that are laid out for you.


                      Don't judge the tracks of the game from the demo, which is fairly linear and easy to fall off. Some real game tracks are way bigger and with 2/3/4 varied ways round, and mostly not on the edge of a cliff.


                        I seee, well, hopefully Yesasia will get into gear and deliver it sometime!


                          Sorry if this has been answered, but does the Jap version have English text?


                            Mainly english but there is some Jap. You won't have any problems.


                              After reading this thread I was not sure what to expect - some like it, some absoultely hate it . Now that MotorStorm has arrived and I've sunk a decent amount of time into it (up to Lv.4), I thought I'd give my impressions.

                              I make no apologies for saying that I absolutely love it. It's the most furious, intense and immersive game I've played in a long time. Feels like an evil mix of Road Rash, Destruction Derby and 18-Wheeler with a huge dollop of anger to mix them all up. Yes it's sparse of modes but add online play in this and I'll be hooked for a long time.

                              Missing? Replays, Time Attack and Online. I get the feeling Sony wanted this badly for the Japanese launch and the online patch is welcome news.

                              Visually it's superb. Stick the thing on first person view and you get the full-fat treatment and it's alongside Gears in the wow factor department for me. I'm sure if you stop by every texture and dissect it you can pick flaws but I put it in my PS3 to play it. I don't mind the replays and you can always mash X to get back on track a little quicker (I think).

                              Music is always going to be a personal thing but any game that features, QOTSA, Primal Scream, Nirvana, Wolfmother and Spiritualized on the soundtrack gets a big thumbs-up from me. Overall the music fits with the aggressive tone of the game and makes a nice change from cheesey 80s guitar or middle-of-the-road borefests that made Stryker oh so great.

                              I've never raced trucks in mud or ridden bikes off huge jumps but it feels right. Once the difficulty ramps up you really feel the AI of the rivals come into play. Some have commented on the difficulty but I prefer races to be ultra-competitive to the death and don't see the point in putting 15 opponents in if 12 of them are only droning around to make up numbers finishing 30 seconds behind in a 3 lap race. Winning races by 5-10 seconds on Lv.3 and 4 is not impossible but winning by 3 1/1000ths of a second whilst exploding over the finish line after a brutal battle is more satisfying.

                              Tackling the opponents on Lv.3 and 4 needs a bit of strategy. Even if you get a good lead, you'll likely need to defend it at some point either by good use of the boost button combined with clean driving or getting dirty and ramming the twats into a cliff. I love how it plays and you have to really adjust how you race the course and opponents depending on the vehicle. Got a big truck? Crush the mosquito-like swarms of bikes into the mud or ram the cars into those rocks 3cm from your door. Got a bike? Better try and take alternate routes and use that boost button wisely, especially when overtaking larger vehicles as there's no way you want to go toe-to-toe with a Big Rig on a bike. And don't forget the old elbow to fellow bike riders or finger to the trucks and cars

                              The tracks are huge - there's around 7-8 I've played so far, each with 3 or 4 routes of different height and conditions making each track feel different depending on the direction you go. It's great how you can switch elevation on most tracks by just taking a big drop down or ramping up. I'm also loving how the conditions change and doing the same route three times is sometimes not the best option. The track in the demo was a little unforgiving where some of the sharp turns result in falling off a cliff but the full game has more diverse offerings.

                              The overall experience is great. Roaring engines combined with booming music and super-aggressive opponents willing to do almost anything to get you. Sometimes I've raced to cause as much destruction as possible, abandoned race wins to take out rivals who've barged me off a cliff or given me the finger whilst going over a massive jump through a banner at the start line!

                              At first it feels arcadey but there's hidden depth.The intro movie sums it up nicely " win at any cost". Not perfect but a real riot. I can't wait for the online patch, it'll be a blast.


                                Hopefully I will be getting a PS3 in the post sometime this or next week. Had a blast on the demo of this today though and loved it.

                                In everyones opinion is it worth waiting for the US version or getting the JP one and the patch?

