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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Originally posted by bcass View Post
    You don't need to play the Crucible to buy legendary gear.
    Some you need crucible points don't you?
    I know not all of it needs them, I've not got enough of any points to buy them, got the money though ha ha


      Originally posted by stevie vip 99 View Post
      Some you need crucible points don't you?
      There are two Vanguard vendors in the Tower who you can buy legendary gear from using Vanguard Marks. Earn Vanguard Marks by completing Vanguard bounties, playlist Strikes, Public Events, and exchanging materials with Roni 55-30. You can also get legendary gear by completing Reef Bounties.


        Ok cool.
        What are the reef bounties? Not sure if I've seen those.
        Are they the queens ones? If so I've done a couple then you get the option of a mission? Unfortunately as I've not moved level in awhile I'm not powered up enough to complete the mission, I think the mission I had was level 24 and as I'm 21 I was getting smashed like the new boy in prison!


          Is this Queen stuff only on for a certain time? I'm lvl 18 and still don't really know what I'm doing XD All I've done so far is play some multiplayer and the single player missions.

          It says some of the bounties can only be done wearing a queen symbol which I'm not sure how to get.


            My tactic to avoid crucible and get hold of legendary / exotic gear is to either just level up my Vanguard points & marks, to then buy from the main Vanguard geezer, or gradually save up strange coins and buy from 'Xur'.

            I've got a new system for Destiny, where I just hop on, play a strike or two, and do some quick bounties. Little and often on this game is quite a nice evening routine.


              Originally posted by stevie vip 99 View Post
              Ok cool.
              What are the reef bounties? Not sure if I've seen those.
              Are they the queens ones? If so I've done a couple then you get the option of a mission? Unfortunately as I've not moved level in awhile I'm not powered up enough to complete the mission, I think the mission I had was level 24 and as I'm 21 I was getting smashed like the new boy in prison!
              Reef Bounties are what people are referring to as the Queen's Bounties. They're called Reef Bounties in the game. You can level up your Rare blue armour to a max of level 24. Get someone to help you with the Reef Bounties if you're lower than 24.

              And as dave heats says, save all your Strange Coins for the weekends to buy Exotic gear from X?r who appears in different places in the Tower. Exotic gear has even higher level ratings than Legendary gear, but you can only equip one Exotic weapon and one Exotic piece of armour at a time.
              Last edited by bcass; 29-09-2014, 13:41.


                This game feels like a bit of a perfect storm for me. I love the progressional RPG elements, the Bungie combat engine, and the way you can play the game how you want to. Plus the production standards on the score and the visuals make it feel like proper big budget sci-fi. It just feels like so much has gone into this game. I think it's really well balanced too: not too deep as to put some peeps off, but hardly shallow either. I really like it


                  hurrah! exotic weapon ............hand cannon booo...... Kill 500 hive to activate it, more booo
                  I never have once used a handgun

                  Also in my inventory i have loads of queens missions, can you choose which you do or is it just what you can see on the destination screen?
                  Last edited by Guest; 29-09-2014, 16:24.


                    If you don't do any crucible it will take you ages to buy anything.
                    There is a weekly cap of 100 marks a week/200 total and the only weapon seller who takes Vanguard marks charges 150 a pop.

                    I'm not usually a PvP player but have got into Control quite a very slightly in the + on my K/D which with my aim is amazing
                    If you can get a few friends in your team it can be great get 2 marks for a loss and 3 for a win. Throw the easier bounties in and you progress nicely.

                    You may get killed by bladedancers a lot but its all forgotten when you titan strike a control point and kill the whole opposing team


                      Originally posted by bwi View Post
                      hurrah! exotic weapon ............hand cannon booo...... Kill 500 hive to activate it, more booo
                      I never have once used a handgun

                      Also in my inventory i have loads of queens missions, can you choose which you do or is it just what you can see on the destination screen?
                      your in for a ****ter of a time, I just finished that series of quests. The 3rd is a right bummer... 500 pts of void damage (any void capable gun) in pvp but should you die it removes 2 pts... and at most for a outright kill with the void shotgun I had was 5 pts. Then the 4th quest is a new boss pop within already hard boss fight at lvl26.

                      but you do get a powerful handcannon with one of its unique perks being DoT effect like casting poison from a final fantasy game which continues to tic heath off an enemy/player you've hit with a bullet.


                      I don't get the hate for pvp, sure a new inexperienced lvl 10 going to get there ass handed to them on plate but they can do the same damage a lvl27 can do without the access to the latter perks on abilities and gear, which mostly fall inline with extra protection while doing a super or reloading guns/regening shield faster which doesn't matter one bit in a the do or die 1v1 battles.

                      Just pay attention to the radar(key), and stay in the pack, learn where the heavy ammo drops(optional), pay attention to what works, if a rush down shotgun/melee isn't working try middle range basic's like autos, if you have a super don't waste it on just 1 guy, pop it when your ambushed by 2 or 3 or need to clear out a camped control zone, and it always better to play with a mate or 2, if mike and rep hadn't been there for the 1st dip in to salvage I don't think I would have played it again but it a great mode once we learned how the gameplay works in it.


                        Anyone else not having matchmaking work tonight? Every time I join a strike, its just me there, and pissing me right off.


                          Don't worry about PvP just come back when you unlock this gun from Vault of Glass.

                          Oh Bungie what happened?


                            Oh dear. Even more broken.

                            Looks like that's the first alien weapon you can obtain too.


                              I'll do well against that gun, my pea shooter is takes around 400 bullets to take the shield off ha ha.
                              Well balanced!


                                Originally posted by dave heats View Post
                                Anyone else not having matchmaking work tonight? Every time I join a strike, its just me there, and pissing me right off.
                                the only co-op games i ever had with Destiny were in the beta...

