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What has everyone been playing this week?

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      Any game that has an 'avoid getting raped subgame' and a 'sexual conquest' parappa a like section is a winner in my book!


        Hardcore Potty Mouth Action.


          Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
          Oh I dunno, it's the best comedy game I played this year. I pissed myself at:

          - the comedy monster noises which sound like something made on a 90's Casio Keyboard
          - Ray Winston being a cockney monster slayer "Oye am Bey'o'wolf!"
          - the stuttering swagger of Grendel's mum which made it look like she was a pirate with Osteoporosis
          - Anthony Hopkins sounding like some sort of mad Welsh mutant as he tried his best to sound Northern European instead of Welsh

          What's that you say, it's not meant to be a comedy?! Oh God...
          Those are all indeed amusing. But only if I look on the bright side after sticking knives in my eyes. How many GP's did you get on this game, Spatial? I'm thinking of giving it the heave ho very shortly. It makes Viking look 9/10 in comparison. At least that was just shallow and repetitive. At least it worked!


            I'm currently up to 700 and something.

            It's particularly bad because it makes you play through the game at least twice to get everything. It actually takes more attempts than that if you didn't hit the max Carnal / Heroic index thing the first time around.


              Good grief, I can't be bothered with all of that. I don't really understand all that crap about indexes anyway, I'm too busy shouting and swearing at the totally random execution of the dodge move...


                Well, that's it.

                I've been through the dreariest level imaginable; a swamp. After fighting off millions of irritating little twats, witches and trolls, I still haven't finished the level. I've got to a section where you have to get your blokes to block a couple of holes by pushing circular pieces of stone across the gaps. All while being hacked up by onrushing baddies from everywhere, putting you off your 'rhythm' and unblocking the hole again. I failed once and restarted not far back, about a minute past. Second time I was about to fail I pressed the pause button, selected 'load last save' and assumed that the autosave system would refer me to the previous place I'd restarted. No chance, it pushed me back to a bit I've done about ten minutes ago. EVERYTHING about this game is hopeless, totally, totally broken.

                This isn't fun. This isn't what gaming is about.

                Piss you, Beowulf. Stick your thanes up yer arse.

                I'm off to play a game next, not videogame torture.


                  This week, i have been mainly playing...

                  Soul Calibur 4
                  Metal Gear Solid 4
                  Pixeljunk Eden
                  Warhawk (god im rubbish at that!)
                  Siren Blood Curse (ditto)

                  Ive recently found a bit of love for my PS3! (mainly because its hooked up to my new 40inch 1080p telly )


                    so far this week i've only played snk classics vol 1 and a little spin on Mortal Kombat 1 on PS2


                      On ds its been a mixture of korg ds10, rhythm tengoku gold & a whole pile of spectrum games on the speccy emulator.

                      On gamecube i have been playing through homeland again, did one of the other storys & loved it. This game has to be one of the best gamecube games i have ever played, nearly at the 100 hour mark on it for playtime & i have still yet to see 5 of the other storys, now thats value for money


                        After owning it for months, played Elite Beat Agents in bed at a travel lodge over the weekend whilst highly pissed, and got 'C' grades on the first four songs. Enjoyed it but had 'charger anxiety' as I'd left it back at home and I kept thinking the battery would run out, which kind of spoiled things. Had a lovely weekend, though, which was good, and I've found my charger.

                        Been trying to play Free Running on PS2 tonite but I've given up. I battled through a terminally boring, overlong tutorial that forces one to accept and adapt to an unsatisfying control method, then got introduced to the first 'actual' level - a brown industrial rooftop with absolutely zilch atmosphere. It really made me depressed.

                        I know I'm being impatient with it, but so many good games, so little time, and the controls simply aren't good enough, they're well-floaty. The ingame popups keep reminding you to 'flow' but the game itself won't let you. It's like the way Gloria Hunniford pretends she isn't dead.

                        And, for some reason, I was hankering for a game of Knights Of The Round afterwards, wtf.


                          I actually went back to PS Chase The Express/Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn. I decided I just couldn't let a crap game beat me - it didn't. With a bit of effort I managed to work around the Save trap I thought I was in and finally completed the game.

                          I certainly won't be replaying even though there are, apparently, 7 different endings.


                            For me it's been darkSector, have to say I'm finding it highly enjoyable


                              Since last thursday it's almost been exclusive play of Soul Calibur 4 on the 360.


                                This week I remembered to charge my PSP so I've been playing OutRun 2006 with it's awful framerate and Loco Roco

                                Also fired up Uncharted again thanks to the added trophy support. Started on Hard difficulty this time.

                                Borrowed Halo 3 and Crackdown from work but I really can't be arsed to turn on the 360 as the noise coming out of the bloody thing is stupendous! If it weren't for the thought of Gears 2 and Fable 2 I'd probably get shot of the thing.

                                When's the install option due? Surely that will reduce the amount of noise the thing kicks out?

