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What has everyone been playing this week? 2

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    Got my act together and finished Final Fantasy IV on the Complete Chronicles. Very happy about that as I can now move on to the Interlude game and then After Years, which I have never played at all.


      999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors

      Finally completed this 100% now. I tend not to regard visual novels as games but I suppose this one has puzzles etc. It doesn't matter.

      Anyway, after getting one of the original bad endings and then the rest it was pretty amazing to see everything unfold during the true ending. There are a few matters that I'm not 100% on right now but it seems as if the story follows into Virtue's Last Reward which I have sitting in a drawer. Mostly the matters regarding


      I guess.

      Either way, really enjoyable experience and a very good story.

      I've even begun playing Ever 17: The Out of Infinity as it was created by the guy who worked on 999. Good stuff.

      I would start P4G but Pok?mon X and Y are out next week so..


        Finished GTA V and now im messing around with Payday which was free on PS+. Loving it so far, is two worth getting?


          Have been playing Super Mario 3D Land that i picked up today


            Arcadia no Ikusahime at home and Mario & Luigi Dream Team during lunch breaks at work, waiting for Etrian Odyssey Untold to get here.


              Finished Sleeping Dogs which I started some time last week. I really enjoyed it. Didn't even find the grind for the last few cheevs a chore which I couldn't have said about the Saboteur by the end. Wish I'd got the DLC when it was cheaper really.


                Finally had my fill of Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams which with the caveats previously mentioned I rather enjoyed. Thinking now of going more retro and with all this talk about the HD version of Wind Waker I'm thinking of going back to my 'rainy day' GC Wind Waker and Zelda Collection discs and doing either that or Majora's Mask for the first time. I thoroughly enjoyed OofT, the only Zelda on the disc I've liked so far so any recommendations as to which to do first, MM or WW?
                Last edited by fallenangle; 06-10-2013, 12:09.


                  Picked up Dragons Crown along with Wind Waker HD, and Heavy Rain...which i somehow missed back in 2010, i thought seeing as how beyond has scored so low i'll check this out first and move onto the newer offering when it gets reduced.

                  Absolutely loving Dragons Crown...its a beauty that has really started sucking me in.


                    Hana Samurai. It's highly repetitive, but I really like it. It's one of those titles where you end up becoming so good at it, that you can't die, but no matter how much I play, I don't seem to get any better at it, so I just struggle through. My highest record is 11, when I should easily be getting 99 by now.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      Borrowed this a while back but have now purchased it. Great game.


                        Rain, Kill-zone mercenary's, and SteamWorld Dig are keeping me amused this week
                        Last edited by Lebowski; 14-10-2013, 10:36.


                          Skullgirls on the pc : excellent fighting game though i cannot wait for the finished product with all the dlc characters

                          Diablo 3 for the xbox 360 : found it much more engrossing then the pc version the menu systems/loot drops/ no always online makes a real difference though i do think its a very very short game

                          Injustice : pretty good fighting game though i still think it feels very stilted compared to other fighting games and not as flowing


                            Bayonetta. Been so long since I last played it that I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm not completely sure that I ever did though.


                              Was playing Street Fighter X Tekken on Vita (PS Plus). The backgrounds are fun and I like the animation in them but the game has pretty much nothing to offer me.

                              Also playing FFIV The After Years, which isn't quite as interesting as I wish it were.


                                Gone back to Paper Mario Sticker Star which didn't get finished last year before Pokemon Y arrives on Tuesday.

