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The Relationship Thread-Good, Bad or Indifferent.

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    Originally posted by iloveannie View Post
    I equally wonder how you can't. For me it is an instinctive requirement. My wife and, we cling to each other for support, each our other's rock and protector. I have known lots of people throughout my life, none I have known how I know my wife.
    Then it sounds as though you've been lucky in that you've found someone 'real'. That's a very rare thing in this age of fair-weather companions.


      I don't even get introduced to some of my friends' girlfriends. Probably through fear that they might realise their boyfriends are friends with someone who plays around with videogames + music, and that might scare them off. lol. Burnley girls are sooo open minded. My flat smells like Amsterdam 24/7 so that could possibly be a factor also.
      Last edited by dataDave; 05-07-2007, 11:05.


        Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
        I speak the truth to women, which is why I've been single for so long.
        Yep, I'm the same as this - the idea of "playing a game" to get with somebody makes my skin crawl. It annoys me when people like someone but never tell them (although I've been guilty of this before).

        A girl once told me flat out "I think you're really hot, we should go to the other room". No morse code, no hand movements that the other side is meant to pick up on, just plain English. You have no idea how much respect I had for for that - if people would just say what they meant then we'd all save a lot of time and hassle. It could just be the people I know, but almost every relationship I've seen fall apart (as so many do) has been over some petty, small issue that would easily have been resolved had the two people just spoken their minds about it.


          relationships can be great, and can also make you equally miserable, being single is the same though, just different good and bad things. Just got out of a relationship after two years, loving a lot about being single, but miss having that person to bounce off of. if you find someone you really get on with, and there i no bull****, there is something great about that. I had that for a bit, but it just moved to a different place. still love her and probably always will, but we're different people now. i'm not gagging to get abck into a relationship, but if one comes along....


            As they say, the two year bit is the make or break for many. I kissed lots of toadettes before finding a princess mind you. I guess I always liked female company and ****ing a lot. Then one gets you like no other and it's the simple decision of singleness or togetherness. Mine was a no-brainer. The decision not the woman.


              Me & my lady have been together for about 6 yrs now. Sometimes its good, sometimes she bugs the hell out of me & sometimes I bug the hell out of her.

              Oh & the guy who talked about his mates being pussy whipped. I think its more a case of your conscience telling u what to do. Its a pain in the arse having 1 tbh & I wish I didnt have 1 sometimes!!


                Split with the gf about 10 days ago, she came over to talk tonight and yes, the inevitable happened. Now I feel like crap as I do have feelings for her, but don't want to be with her.

                What do I do?


                  Originally posted by Lyris View Post
                  Yep, I'm the same as this - the idea of "playing a game" to get with somebody makes my skin crawl. It annoys me when people like someone but never tell them (although I've been guilty of this before).

                  A girl once told me flat out "I think you're really hot, we should go to the other room". No morse code, no hand movements that the other side is meant to pick up on, just plain English. You have no idea how much respect I had for for that - if people would just say what they meant then we'd all save a lot of time and hassle.
                  It's because of all this game-playing nonsense that I largely avoid relationships now in favour of casual, no-strings one-offs when they occur.

                  The level of game-playing that is expected in modern relationships is truly staggering when you examine it; if you like someone, you're supposed to pretend you don't so as not to appear too available. If you get a girl's number, you're supposed to drag it out and wait 50 years before responding to her texts or calls so she doesn't think you're desperate. She's supposed to pretend to be unavailable for dates and play hard to get (i.e. act like she's not interested even if she is) so as not to appear to easy.

                  How on earth are you expected to have a genuine relationship or indeed find a genuine person when you have to wade through so many layers of unnecessary bull****? Who the hell makes these 'rules' anyway?


                    Originally posted by Superfamifreak View Post
                    Split with the gf about 10 days ago, she came over to talk tonight and yes, the inevitable happened. Now I feel like crap as I do have feelings for her, but don't want to be with her.

                    What do I do?
                    bwahaha, dump her off like the last 50 birds and move on weekly maybe?

                    Why do you ask? you always do this


                      You're better off single, Palmela Handerson is a wonderful, caring friend.

                      Originally posted by Ady View Post
                      It's because of all this game-playing nonsense that I largely avoid relationships now in favour of casual, no-strings one-offs when they occur.

                      The level of game-playing that is expected in modern relationships is truly staggering when you examine it; if you like someone, you're supposed to pretend you don't so as not to appear too available. If you get a girl's number, you're supposed to drag it out and wait 50 years before responding to her texts or calls so she doesn't think you're desperate. She's supposed to pretend to be unavailable for dates and play hard to get (i.e. act like she's not interested even if she is) so as not to appear to easy.

                      How on earth are you expected to have a genuine relationship or indeed find a genuine person when you have to wade through so many layers of unnecessary bull****? Who the hell makes these 'rules' anyway?


                        Ady mate I agree totally. You've knocked it right on the head there!!

                        If theres no honesty even before u genuinely get together for a date then why bother in the 1st place. The thing is a lot of people probably miss out on being with someone that was really good for them too, but because they faff around so much the other person just thinks 'sod it, I can take a hint' when its actually the opposite. But then how do you know if its the opposite though?

                        If people really like each other then they should just get on with it I say.


                          Originally posted by Ady View Post
                          It's because of all this game-playing nonsense that I largely avoid relationships now in favour of casual, no-strings one-offs when they occur.
                          whats that, every leap year?


                            Originally posted by Gerry Helmet View Post
                            whats that, every leap year?


                              As mentioned previously when this happens it's usually the end. Even if you give it another go together it rarely works out as bad feelings are already present between you.

                              Does she have a best mate or sister you can shag ?

                              Or perhaps as a last resort her mother ?


                                This is the great truth about women my friend: the only one who will always love you unconditionally is your mother. Enough said.

