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CoronaWatch 2019 - 2023

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    No big drama, but a slight mix-up between GP and myself meant I got the booster last Monday and my flu jab on Saturday, rather than both on the same day as originally planned. They were doing Pfizer boosters regardless of what you'd had previously (AZ in my case), but other than a sore arm it's all been very smooth sailing.


      Feel like **** and lost my sense of smell. That's right folks its the Covid Sequel for me!! Covid 2 - This time it's your lungs


        Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post
        Feel like **** and lost my sense of smell. That's right folks its the Covid Sequel for me!! Covid 2 - This time it's your lungs
        ****, that's not cool. Hope it doesn't hit you too badly.


          Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
          ****, that's not cool. Hope it doesn't hit you too badly.
          Thanks. I feel rough, but not too bad. I had 10 hours sleep last night which helped.


            Hopefully you start feeling better soon.


              Second time round, and double vax, it's not as bad as the first. It's more a kin to a bad cold than a flu.
              No smell and taste, headache, drowsiness. It has gone to my chest more this time.
              Slowly feeling better. It's feeling drawn out this time.


                Had to take one of those mouthwash self-tests due to one coworker testing positive...the saline solution (or whatever that was) you need to keep in your mouth for 60 seconds is almost vomit-inducing.


                  You sure it wasn't something else salty?
                  Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                    Originally posted by briareos_kerensky View Post
                    Had to take one of those mouthwash self-tests due to one coworker testing positive...the saline solution (or whatever that was) you need to keep in your mouth for 60 seconds is almost vomit-inducing.
                    Ah yes, we had to 'serve' that to patients for months during the height of lockdown when we were an emergency hub and when we started to just see our patients still for emergencies. It's like Whale spit if I ever knew what that was, the consistency is vile.


                      Sorry to double post just a Covid related irk

                      Had a full on cold the last 2 days with it coming on steadily since the end of last week (felt like crap and had full on headache to the point of despair from Monday). Husband has had full bout of it with sore head, stuffed nose, throat, sinuses and knocked him for six. I've been more feeling like crap with a sore throat, headache and sneezes. He was off sick at the start of the week but has been able to work from home until he feels 100% to come back in, I don't have a WFH option.

                      I went to work with it on Wednesday keeping down hot drinks and pain killers fully expecting to be asked to go home (especially as I was not really needed that day). I was not and powered through although the clinician I was working with was 50/50 about me working with her.
                      Woke up yesterday basically not being able to get out of bed I felt so rough so called in sick. This morning I can at least move feeling better than yesterday but worse than Wednesday so advised manager I shouldn't come in, still a cold (taking lateral flow tests all negative). She said ok then later asked me to get a PCR test done. Great

                      The website makes me go through loads before kicking me off if I say I can drive to somewhere to get a test only to give me links to the site I was on. It gives me a walk-in option which is too far to walk as I am and it says parking not always available and I know that area is simply impossible to park in if the centre has no option and frankly I feel too crap to fret about with it let alone drive so I ordered a PCR to be posted.

                      There is no option to get a PCR test without the 3 main symptoms unless I am in Wales work can ask for one. So I've had to lie and say I have symptoms (at a stretch I had a bit of a temperature yesterday mainly from staying in bed all day and my throat is mucusy from a sore throat so I GUESS my tastebuds are messed up if really pushing it) to get a test despite there being many reasons to have a PCR test done, management making you do one is not one of them.

                      Told my manager I want it on record I dont have those specific symptoms and I have only said I did at a push to get a PCR test as requested by her so alarm bells dont go off saying someone has covid at work. I can understand why she has asked but also I think its more of a test to see if I would say screw it I'll come in knowing what an arse it is to do. She seemed fine that I ordered a home test so thats fine.


                        Covid has gone now, but its left me with a permanent headache in and around my right eye. Nothing touches it.


                          Sorry to hear that.


                            Tested positive on a LFT on Friday so did a PCR via a walk in place and yep I have Covid.
                            Got my third dose and flu vaccine on Tuesday afternoon, in the same evening is when I started feeling unwell (slight cough, fever etc) but it mostly passed within 48 hours so assumed it was a reaction to the vaccine double whammy.


                              As someone who lives in New York (City, not just State) and rides the subway at least twice a day... I have no idea how I have not managed to catch this yet. Possibly I have and have just been unaware.

                              Hope everyone with it gets plenty of rest!


                                Got emailed that someone at work has tested positive again so we all have to take lateral flow tests for a week. Person in question has not been identified but looking at who has been crossed off the rota it looks like the only nurse who refused to get vaccinated now has it.

                                Yet she has gone on holiday a few times in the last couple of months so she must have had one vaccine by now? Last time I spoke to her about it (when there was news about forcing care staff to get it) she was looking like she was going to be 'forced to' have it but was super not keen as she has convinced herself it will affect her fertility in the future.

                                Anyway I have to work with the guy she has been closely working with tomorrow who is my least favourite dentist. Knowing him he might have a panic about the positive test and do a runner (he was pretty much dragged back from a park he ran off to when he found out a patient he saw the day before tested positive).

