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CoronaWatch 2019 - 2023

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    Our place has thrown additional measures in place temporarily due to higher than acceptable cases in the office.

    Now sure why though, the Government insists we're over it


      Had a booster yesterday. Woke up at 2am this morning and I thought a train had run over me. Just feeling better now. The Pfizer booster is a bastard!


        Booster Bastard sounds like a character from 2000AD.


          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
          Booster Bastard sounds like a character from 2000AD.
          Or Viz!


            Got my booster this afternoon, see how i react, couldn’t move after the first jab, second no issues at all. See how it goes.


              Positive PCR test received from a test yesterday after I started feeling rough on Thursday.

              I don't got time for 10 days self isolation (I'm obviously going to do it but, gah, work is so busy!!)


                Sudden outbreak of around a dozen cases at work. New measures, LFTs and PCRs rolled out. Seems to be back under control and negatives for everyone else it seems


                  It doesn't surprise me at all. Saw a bit of the premiership on TV yesterday. Not one of the numbnuts in the stadium had a mask on. And they wonder why Covid is on the rise and blame it on the government.


                    So it was always going to happen at some point but after 18 months Chloe has returned a positive LFT tonight

                    Since the weekend 4 kids in her class had gone down with it so they have asked us to do LFT twice a week
                    We were clear Monday but today it came back quick as a flash with the positive line

                    Have applied for the PCR now to back it up but there isn't a symptom to be seen with temp, no cold, no change in taste or smell nothing at all so without the test you would not know a thing was wrong

                    We had done so well up to this point, Chloe has been in school the entire time with Key Worker school from the first lockdown to now so I do count ourselves lucky to have lasted this long

                    Hopefully it will be mild with Chloe & with me being double jabbed & Katie just having her booster on Sunday that we either side step it or just cop a light dose but we'll see
                    Need to keep tabs on the parents now as well though as they are the ones around Chloe most because of childcare duties but again both have had boosters so hoping we'll be good

                    Could do without the added stress at the minute but we'll see



                      Hope you all stay well Neil.


                        Still feeling pretty rough but the LFT I did this morning was negative.

                        Just need to get to Sunday and I can leave the house!

                        Still can't smell or taste anything and, apparently, this could be a longer lasting thing then any other symptom.


                          Originally posted by Atticus View Post
                          Hope you all stay well Neil.
                          Thanks buddy
                          Hopefully be fine... Chloe still showing no symptoms
                          Waiting for the PCR test to arrive to get that done

                          Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                          Still feeling pretty rough but the LFT I did this morning was negative.

                          Just need to get to Sunday and I can leave the house!

                          Still can't smell or taste anything and, apparently, this could be a longer lasting thing then any other symptom.
                          Glad to hear your negative now

                          The smell & taste thing could be long term
                          My mum had Covid back in March last year & neither have returned
                          Smell is non existent, she can taste but nothing like it was & she can't drink tea now without feeling sick with the taste, which she is mortified about as she was a proper Tea Pot back before then & had more cups a day then I knew what to deal with lol



                            The periodic pain running up my back, through my neck and into my head on the side I had the Pfizer booster as finally, after 8 days, started to subside. Note: I have no proof it was the jab that caused this.


                              I have my booster next week.

                              Daughter has just got over a dose, thankfully we didn't succumb.


                                Originally posted by Brad View Post
                                The periodic pain running up my back, through my neck and into my head on the side I had the Pfizer booster as finally, after 8 days, started to subside. Note: I have no proof it was the jab that caused this.
                                Merging your disks is what did it.

