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CoronaWatch 2019 - 2023

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    People have been dropping like flies at work. One rather opinionated woman I work with (who always has to have a different view to everyone else and have more drama) boasted saying she was going to have her family Christmas last year no matter what the government said after the christmas lockdown was announce, soon having 2 of her kids and then herself test posotive before breaking up for Christmas so no visits to the family.

    Well, her husband and potentially one of her kids has it so she's off the rest of the year (she and one of her kids have a list of medical issues too), one of our hygienists tested positive on Saturday which I found out by a text from my manager who instructed me to take daily lateral flow tests for 10 days as she briefly sat with me for lunch so she isn't flying to Europe this week with her family. I was just about to complete another 10 days of lateral flow tests anyway as 'a member of staff' tested positive nearly 2 weeks ago. She (a nurse as it was easy to work out) is now still ill or testing positive so I have to cover her shift tomorrow.

    As far as I can count about 1/5-1/4 of our staff has tested positive for Covid since the start of the pandemic, if all those who have had it still worked here (we have had a quick turn around of staff the last 2 years). More have had to self isolate from travel/ being in contact with someone without being ill themselves. The worst perpetrator was one of the young dentists who went partying in London for New Years Eve and caught it then, then there were the 2 nurses who had symptoms but delayed telling work they tested negative by an extra 2 days so they got fired for misconduct and lying as we were super low on staff at the time too so they really ****ed us over.


      Colleague's wife got a positive from a home test, which we have been instructed to regard as a full positive and isolate. He can't see a case where him and their son don't get it, even though both are testing negative right now.

      So the province are reducing reported positives by reducing the number of people who are taking tests, limiting tests to those in primary care facilities/similar or those with medical conditions in order to have them prioritised. At home testing has been available to us since Friday btw, and many people haven't managed to get kits due to the usual ineptitude of the distribution. I managed to snag one today, so we're covered at least.

      Wife and I both had boosters booked (which took over 2 hours to book), and were then cancelled last night due to the pharmacy not being scheduled to receive the shots in time. We went in today and they had enough for us both to get one, so we're both expecting to feel crappy tomorrow, but fine for Crimbo.

      Tuesday the provincial government told us to limit social stuff, cut booze and bar hours. Tuesday night 200 of the ***** were at a Christmas party. Conservatives the world over are purely self-serving opportunists.


        One of my 10-year old twins got it just before the Xmas break. Isolated himself in his room like a champ (we sat outside his room to talk and his bro played 2DS games with him from outside the door). Miraculously, the four others in the house didn't get it.


          You kid sounds like a proper boss, Gunrock.

          My colleague and his 3 year old both got it from his wife, with his son needing a trip to hospital due to dehydration from puking so much. They are feeling better now but still have to isolate until Jan 5th.


            [MENTION=9333]kryss[/MENTION]: yeah he took it brilliantly. I suspect his bro would have been more lonely and sad, but he handled it really well. It helped that he didn't feel too bad for more than day or two - though the day before his test result came in (as two of his teachers had it and so everyone had to be tested) he had to do an 8km walk/run and he was moaning a lot and felt sick at the end. We now know why!!


              Originally posted by gunrock View Post
              One of my 10-year old twins got it just before the Xmas break. Isolated himself in his room like a champ (we sat outside his room to talk and his bro played 2DS games with him from outside the door). Miraculously, the four others in the house didn't get it.
              Post of the year. And son of the year. Sons, even! Brother of the year, too. Accolades all round.

              Participation badges for the rest of you


                So great day today, local takeaway has covid outbreak which i had gone to, and then at work today informed that co worker has covid and i was working with them for most of the day on Tuesday, and the boss knew she had it and has not informed us, had to find out from the Coworker...and then i get a message today to ask if i can come in on Monday to cover their shift......

                The not informing us had got me Angry as My wife, Father, Mother In Law are all high risk and if I had not known i would have went to see them this evening


                  For the last 2 years i have been millitant in trying to keep as safe as possible even to the point i haven't seen anyone outside of home or work pretty much isolation for 2 years and yet on monday afternoon i started with my body aching like hell then came the headache and fever of 38.9, with how fast it came on i ended up getting hold of a test. The fist time i have ever had to mess about with anything like this, seems i picked up covid from somewhere but i have no idea where, it either came from the taxi i got in when working in the lab on sunday or someone at work gave it to me but seeing as everyone is masked up at work & i stayed well away from everyone that seems very unlikely.

                  Least with 2 vaccines my body fought it off pretty quick the fever only lasted 2 days and the sore throat a couple more days after that.


                    Well ireland has become a bit (more) of a ****e show, 20k plus cases hardly any antigen tests....PCR tests all booked up across the country and literally so many close contacts now even in the small village i live in.

                    Boss has still stayed silent about the people at work having it, wife talked about reporting them though not sure what the actual law is


                      Yep. Ireland is a mess now. Happened pretty quickly too.


                        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                        Yep. Ireland is a mess now. Happened pretty quickly too.
                        Yeah and the cases are probably a lot more as people just cannot get tested, and colleges start next week to


                          That sucks. Hope you're all ok!



                              I know we're pretty cautious here, but our poll must be out of date by now as more and more people seem to have caught it?


                                This site is where Boris gets his info from; that's why there's been no new lockdown!

