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Liverpool 2010/11 Season Thread

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    Gerrard finally gets a card. Not that he ever dives...


      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
      Gerrard finally gets a card. Not that he ever dives...
      It wasn't a dive it was the catapillar.


        Time to put on Matt Lucas I reckon


          The Spanish lad wins it.


            Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
            The Spanish lad wins it.

            With a big hand from Mike Riley..terrible decision to send lamps off was never a sending off,fact is Alonso kicked Lamps in the shinpad.


              Glazza, we did actually deserve to win pre-red card. Some say it's harder against ten men, but we showed how much we wanted them 3 points and fought right til the end to get them.


                Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                Glazza, we did actually deserve to win pre-red card. Some say it's harder against ten men, but we showed how much we wanted them 3 points and fought right til the end to get them.
                As much as i hate to do this H i agree with you, kept saying to my lads there is only one team trying to win this and one team that would be happy with a draw.


                  Just seen the score

                  That must have been late. It was 0-0 according to sky score centre at 5:40 on my comp. You needed that result. Fair play to you "says thru gritted teeth"


                    I was hoping for a 0-0, too. But to be honest, anything but a win for Liverpool would have been hard on them as they were better (even before the harsh sending off) and wanted it more than Chelsea.


                      Originally posted by glazza View Post
                      ... kept saying to my lads there is only one team trying to win this and one team that would be happy with a draw.
                      Spot on, and for once we managed to get what we wanted/needed. We so so needed the three points today. Am happy again
                      Last edited by VR46; 01-02-2009, 20:07. Reason: spellllling


                        Excellent win, dominated the entire game and showed what we're about. Those finishes were the final piece of the jigsaw, exactly what we've been missing in the recent draws.

                        Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                        If anything, Keane is worth keeping as a back-up player for when Gerrard/Alonso gets injured. I'd rather have Keane come instead of fookin Lucas.
                        Keane will never stand for being a sub and neither will Liverpool, you cant leave a ?20m player on the bench unless you're United. The media will keep on harrassing Benitez about it too. Keane needs to be one of the main men at the his club and he isn't at Liverpool.

                        I'm not happy with getting Lennon really but he'll offer us pace on the wings, something we lack. His final ball is usually bad, very bad

                        Ah well, we beat Chelsea \o/ We'll worry about the transfer goings on tomorrow I think.


                          ezee and kongster:

                          Steven deserved the card for the dive - his diving is shameful - I would never say otherwise. Him and Rooney publicly saying they hate divers is incredibly embarassing. Also, he showed *some* dissent but the rules of the respect campaign has always given more rights to the captain. Nowhere near the levels that Rooney shows. I think that captains should be able to talk to the ref, that is why I never say anything about John Terry's rants.

                          Keane has been given PLENTY of chances. Game after game after game.


                            Nah, I don't think he's had as many chances as Dirk Kuyt yet.


                              Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                              Money doesn't mean you'll win the league , sure it helps but its not the be and end all. Liverpool spent far more than Arsenal, yet Arsenal have won the Prem , something which is so beyond Liverpool at present .

                              Also I wonder when you add up what Sir Alex as spend and sold , how much more he's really spent more than Liverpool . I think you need to face facts , its not money that's the trouble or the issue at Liverpool , its more the uselss manager you had and the current one you got both of which have waste millions on buying sh8t, or training up Goal keepers for them do wonderful at different clubs ,

                              ?20 Million on a player for him not even to be on the Team sheet , like Rafa its laughable.
                              Wenger did a fantastic job, you can't argue that. However he did luck out by inheriting Bergkamp, who I think most would agree is a player who was touched by the hand of genius and I'm not sure they would've been quite so successful without him.
                              He also pays out significantly more than Liverpool in wages (?12m more per season, which adds up pretty quick).

                              As for Fergie vs Rafa, since Rafa's arrival.
                              Benitez's net spend is ?74.95m
                              Ferguson's net spend is ?112.15m
                              Plus United pay out ?15m more than Liverpool in wages every season.

                              To suggest a gap doesn't exist between the two clubs is madness. I agree money isn't everything and do believe the gap can be bridged but unlike you, I think Rafa can do it.

                              As for the Keane thing, it's looking like Rafa didn't even want can't really blame him for the transfer decisions of ravishing Rick Parry, which also include refusing to stump up the cash for Dani Alves, Simao, Vidic etc.


                                To suggest a gap doesn't exist between the two clubs is madness. I agree money isn't everything and do believe the gap can be bridged but unlike you, I think Rafa can do it.
                                There's a gap , but its not just down the Money , I think Utd have the better squad and the better manager , and not all of that is down to money . The hing about wages is a bit of a smoke screen, what do Newcastle spend on players and wages , and yet they are still rubbish, and miles off winning anything,spur seem to pay big money on wages and players and well they're nothing more than a Cup Team , Man City seem to have all the money inthe world, yet under Mark they'll won nothing imo, he's not up to it

                                I'm sorry its no wind up , out of 20 good drinking mates more than half are Liverpool fans , and I like to see Liverpool win the tile for them , and I think it be just good for Football to see them win it, and it helps that I hate Man Utd , Chelsea and Arsenal.

                                I just don't think Rafa is up to the job and most of his buys have been poor.

